Chapter 39

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You and Fred sit down with the rest of your house and watch the first years get sorted. "It's the same thing every year. First years get sorted, Dumbledore's speech then we eat." You say and rest your head on your hand. "I'm sure something new will be here this year." George nudges you. "I'd like to welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Professor R.J. Lupin!" Dumbledore says. 

Everyone in the Great Hall claps as a man stands up and waves. Food appears on the table once again and everyone starts eating. "Hey guys!" Someone says. You turn to see Phoebe walking over. You roll your eyes and go back to eating. She comes over and sits right between you and Fred. You glare at her and walk out of the Great Hall. You sit on a random bench and read you book. 

"Y/n?" Someone says. You look up and see Luna Lovegood. "Oh hey Luna. What's up?" You ask closing your book. "I saw that Slytherin come over to your table and sit in between you and Fred then leave the Great Hall." She says and sits next to you." Oh, Phoebe." You scoff. "Want to talk about it?" Luna asks. You smile and nod.

"We met her on the train this morning. She was flirting with Freed while I was sitting right there. She kept glaring at me but then smile when Fred would turn back to her." You say. Luna smiles. "It'll be okay. Fred loves you so much. George tells me that. He say 'Fred is so in love with Y/n. I haven't seen him this happy in a while and I'm his twin.' He wouldn't ever leave you." She says. "Thank you Luna." You both hug each other and she gets up to go back to the Great Hall.

"Wanna come sit with me?" She asks. You nod and stand up. You walk into the Great Hall and sit at the Ravenclaw table. You turn to see Phoebe still sitting next to Fred but she's all over him. You clench your fists and turn back to talk to Luna. 

"I'm gonna go to my dorm. Bye Luna!" You smile and wave. She smiles and waves back. You leave the Great Hall and head to Gryffindor Tower. "Y/n!" Someone yells. You turn your head to see Fred running up to you. You continue walking with your book held tight to your chest. "Y/n! Wait up!" He yells. You stop and Freed stands in front of you. "Why'd you leave the Great Hall then come back and sit with Luna?" He asks.

You look down at the ground. "Cause of her." You say in a mono tone. "Who?" He grabs your hand. "Phoebe." You say and look at him. No emotion on your face. "Y/n...I don't like her. I already told you that." He smiles sadly. "Well it sure looked like you did earlier. Her being all over you." You snap. You walk past him and enter the common room. 

"Hey Y/n! Oh.. what's wrong?" Neville asks. You sit next to him as he tends to his plants. "Hey Neville. Just Fred." You say and set your book down on the table. "I'm sorry." He says. You smile. "It's okay. How are you doing with all of your plants?" You ask. He sits up excitedly and starts talking about his plant progress. "Wow! You sure know a lot about plants Neville. It's fascinating." You say touching his plant.

"You think me knowing a lot about plants is fascinating?" He asks. You look up at him and smile. "Of course! I've never met someone who knew so much and being so passionate about them before." You say. "C-Can we be friends?" Neville asks. "Bestfriends?" You say. He nods and smiles. "I'm going to bed. Goodnight Neville." You say and walk towards the staircase. "Goodnight Y/n!" He quickly says. 

You go up to your dorm and change out of your robes. You put on black sweatpants and a red shirt. You pick up Fred's Quidditch hoodie and debate putting it on. You set if on your chair and climb into bed. 

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