Chapter 3

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Ron, Fred, and you walk around Diagon Alley getting your new school supplies. Like you said, you'd pay for them. "Ah! I should've known! The Weasley's and Y/l/n are here." You sigh and turn around to see the second year Draco Malfoy. He's always made fun of you for living with the Weasleys. 

"What do you want Malfoy? Come to give us more hell like always." You say crossing your arms. "Oh you know it y/n." He winks. You roll your eyes and grab both Fred and Ron's arms, pulling them away from Malfoy.

"I don't like that he always flirts with you. He's been doing that since his first year." Fred huffs. "Aww, does somebody want me for their selves?" You say in a high pitched voice and laugh. "I-I uh, er, I'm just saying I don't like how a 12 year old is flirting with a 13 year old." Fred stutters a bit at the beginning.

You giggle and head over to the Three Broomsticks meeting the rest of the family there. Molly orders some drinks and food for all of us as we sit down. "Did everyone get what they need?" Arthur Weasley asks.

You all nod and say yes. "I'm so tired, I'll probably take a nap when we get back home." You say yawning. All the food and drinks come after a little bit.

You get back to the Burrow and head up to your room to take a nap. You change into a long sleeve shirt with some shorts and fuzzy socks. You get into bed and wrap all of your blankets around you. 

There's a knock on the door. "Come in." You say. Fred walks in smiling. "Oh hey Fred! What's up?" You ask as Fred shuts the door. "I wanna take a nap with you. I'm tired too." He says giving you a pouty face.

You laugh and move over some for Fred. He starts giggling and walks over laying down next to you. He throws the blanket over him. "You're so warm." You say moving closer to him. Fred wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer to him. 

You blush and smile to yourself. You close your eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.

Fred's POV

I hear Y/n's soft snoring. She's so cute. I wish she knew the way I feel about her, but I'm afraid that she doesn't feel the same about me. 

I start to play with her hair a bit. "Oh Y/n, I wish you knew that I love you so much. Much more than a bestfriend. I wish you felt the same about me." I whisper. The door opens and I turn my head to see George peeking his head through.

"Whatcha doiiinnnn?" George asks in a goofy voice. "Shh! Y/n is sleeping!" I whisper shout. He puts his hands up in defense and starts to laugh a bit.  

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