Chapter 90

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You walk into the Great Hall and rows of desks are sitting there with Umbridge standing at the front. "Sit down." She says. Everyone sits down at a separate desk. "Now, I want you all to write down this sentence. 'I must now break any rules, I must not disobey the Headmistress'. No talking please." She smiles. Hermione raises her hand. "Yes Miss. Granger?" Umbridge looks at her. "How many lines do we have to write?" She asks. Before Umbridge says anything, you and Harry speak up. "Until it sets in." In unison. 

Umbridge giggles and sits down. You pick up the quill and start writing down sentences. The sharp pain comes back into your hand. It crawls up your arm. People start whimpering and some are crying. You and Harry look at each other and then look back at everyone else. You two are the only ones not crying nor making noise. You pull your sleeve up to reveal the words. You set the quill down and start picking at the words.

"Everyone done?" Umbridge asks. Murmurs go around the room. "Great! Y/n, come up here please." She says. You slowly get up and walk up to the front. "Now I want you all to watch what is about to happen to Y/n here. This could just happen to you if you step you of line." She says. She takes her wand out and points it at you. "What exactly are you about to do to her?" Harry asks. "Well, I'm simply going to preform the Cruciatus Curse on here." Umbridge says. 

"That's illegal! You can't preform that on a student!" Hermione yells. Umbridge turns to her. "The Ministry has asked me to do whatever I can to punish students. I am now the Headmistress of this school Miss. Granger." She turns back to you and raises her wand. You look over at Fred who looks like he's seen a ghost. George turns to him and grabs his hand. "Crucio." Umbridge says calmly. 

The moment she said that word, you fell to the ground screaming in pain. Every part of your body hurt. You were rolling on the ground screaming in pain. You didn't open your eyes, you squeezed them shut hoping the pain would end. You could feel blood coming out of you arm from the words. Umbridge takes her wand away. Everything stops hurting and you lay there. You open your eyes, staring at the ceiling. 

"There, that should do the trick. Step out of line one more time, you'll end up like THAT." She points her wand at you again. You flinch thinking she was going to hurt you again. "I'll be going now." She giggles and walks out of the room. You turn your head as she walked and watched leave. The moment the doors closed, Fred comes running to you. He drops to his knees and put your head in his lap. "Oh baby." He whispers. 

He rubs his thumb over your cheek. "E-Everything hurts." You whisper. Fred shakes his head. "No don't talk love. We'll get you to Madam Pomfrey and you'll get healed up there. You slightly nod and try to bring your hand up to his face. He grabs your hand and kisses it. Fred picks you up bridle style carefully, trying not to hurt you. He carries you to Madam Pomfrey and lays you on a bed. "What happened to her?" Madam Pomfrey comes walking over. 

"Um-...Someone used the Cruciatus Curse on her." Fred stutters. "Oh my." Madam Pomfrey says and hurries away. Fred pushes your hair away from your face and kisses your forehead. Mada, Pomfrey comes back with some bottle full of liquid. "Here, drink this honey. It'll make you feel better. You'll stay here over night." She pours the liquid into the cup and hands it to you. 

Fred takes it and you sit up. He puts the cups up to your lips and you drink it down. "Ew." You stick your tongue out as Madam Pomfrey walks away. 

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