Chapter 81

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After writing the second sentence, your left hand starts to sting. You look at it and see the same words from the paper, cutting into your hand. You continue writing until all of the words are on your hand. You're on the verge of crying but you won't let Umbridge have the satisfaction. "Is it done?" She asks. You put the quill down and nod. She smiles. "You're dismissed. See you tomorrow." You grab your stuff and quickly leave her class. "Merlin's beard." You say and look at your hand. You run out to the Quidditch Pitch and change into your robes. "Accio Firebolt." You say as you're changing. 

When you walk out of the changing room, your broom is flying towards you. You hop on and enter the Pitch. "I'm here now." You say over to George. "Head up with the other two." He says. You nod and fly up to the other two Chasers. Practice flies by since you got there late. "Fuck." You wince at the pain from your hand. Fred comes up to you. "Are you alright princess?" He asks. You quickly cover your hand. "Yup! Brilliant!" You smile. He gives you a suspicious look then nods 

Practice ends and you quickly start heading up to the castle. "Fuck, why does it keep hurting? It should be done." You say. "What's hurting?" You quickly turn seeing Fred walking up to you. "N-Nothing Freddie! I'm fine." you smile and turn around, entering the castle. "Y/n there's something wrong. You're acting funny." Fred grabs you. "I always act funny. See?" You make a funny face and look up at him. Fred's not amused. You pull away from his grip and continue waking.

"Y/n tell me whats wrong." Fred grabs you hand and you wince. He notices and pulls you towards again. He picks you hand up while pushing your sleeve. He looks down at the words carved into your hand. "Y/n..." Fred says. You look away from him. He grabs your chin and lifts your head up. "Princess what happened?" He asks. You avoid his eyes and stay silent. "Please look at me princes." Fred says. You hesitate but look at him. "Detention with Umbridge. She made me write sentences with this certain quill, and the words carved onto my hand. It won't stop hurting." You say. 

Fred sadly looks down at you and brings you into a hug. "It's alright love." He says then pulls away. "I need to find George and tell him about it." Fred says and runs away. "Alrighty then." You quickly walk up to Gryffindor Tower. You walk in and see Harry sitting there looking down at his hand. "Umbridge?" You ask. He jumps at the sound of your voice and sadly nods. You walk over and sit down. You show him your hand. "Me too. Got a weeks worth of detention because I brought up Voldemort being back and she called me a liar." You say sitting back. 

"Same here. I don't get how we are supposed to protect yourselves from him or other people. She isn't teaching us anything." Harry says. You nod in agreement. There's a moment of silnce before Harry stands up. "What is it?" You ask. "What is we have someone else teach us spells to protect ourselves. Get a big group of people?" He says. You sit up and think about it. "That's smart. But, nobody believes up except Hermione, Ron, George, Fred and Dumbledore." You stand up and start pacing. "We just ask them anyway, Tell them to meet us somewhere and if they still don't believe us and won't join us they'll leave." Harry says.

"But we can't meet here because of Umbridge. She's taking over the school. She keeps making a bunch of rules and putting them in plaques." You say. "We meet in Hogsmeade." He says. You smile. "You gotta tell Ron and Hermione about this. They'll obviously be on bored. I'll tell George and Fred." You say. 

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