Chapter 95

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The trio entered the shop and was looking at how business was booming. You, George and Fred were walking up the stairs until Ron appeared behind you. "Hey! How much for this?" He asks. George and Fred turned around. "Five Galleons." They in unison. "How much for me?" Ron asks. They look at each other and back at Ron. "Five Galleons." They say again. Ron sighs. "But I'm your brother." He says. "Ten Galleons!" They say and walk up the stairs again. "Is the only hobby you two have is to bully your brother?" You ask. They shrug and walk off. 

You go back up to your and Fred's room. You put on some sweatpants and one of Fred's shirts. You go into the bathroom to brush your teeth. The door opens and closes. Footsteps got closer and closer to the door and it opens. A very tired Fred walks in and turns the shower on. He get undressed and gets into the shower. You finish brushing your teeth and get into bed. You grab a book and start reading. 

Fred leaves the bathroom and lays down next to you, resting his head on your stomach. You take your wand out to make your book float. You lay your right hand on his head and use your left to flip pages. "Want me to read to you?" You ask. He nods and you start reading to him. Soon you hear him snore so you put your book away and go to bed. 

Skipping to when Dumbledore dies 

As you're helping someone find something, an owl flies through the door as someone walks out. It flies up and lands on your shoulder. "Hedwig? What are you doing here?" You ask. The person finds what they're looking for and thanks you. You hold your arm out for Hedwig to climb on. You take the note out of her beak. You set her down on the counter and open it. "Y/n, you need to get to Hogwarts now. Something happened. Hermione. " You look back at Hedwig but she flies away. 

You apparate to Hogwarts and to where everyone is. Once you get there, you're standing ing the Courtyard. Everyone is standing around someone. You push though everyone and see Harry on top of someone. "Oh no." Ginny looks at you and nudges you forward towards Harry. You slowly walk towards Harry and get down to your knees. You put your hand on his shoulder and pull him back a little to see who it is. Harry fall into your lap and cries. 

You cover your mouth at the sight of Dumbledore lying there, dead on the ground. You rub Harry's back as he cries. You turn towards McGonagall who has a very sad look on her face. You take your wand out and put it up in the air. A tiny ball of light emits from it. McGonagall does the same, one by one everyone brings their wands up. You make Harry sit up and you both slowly stand up. "Come on Harry. Let's go somewhere else." You say. 

You push through everyone and bring Harry to a corridor. You sit him down and crouch in front of him. "What happened?" You ask. He stays silent for a moment. "D-Dumbledore and I, we went to find something Voldemort created. We apparated back here and I went to find Snape. Draco came up and it looked like he was going to kill him." Harry say. You grab his hand and squeeze it. "Death Eaters came. Bellatrix Lestrange was there. Kept telling Draco to kill him, but he started lowering his wand. Then Snape came. Dumbledore pleaded but Snape killed him." He says. 

Harry puts his head into his hands and stares at the ground. You rub his back some more and hug him. Hermione and Ron come running down into the corridor and jump onto the two of you. "Are you alright Harry?" Hermione asks. Harry stays silent. "You can go if you want Y/n. I'm sure George and Fred are wondering where you are." Ron puts a hand on your shoulder. You nod and stand. "Owl me if anything else happens for the rest of the year. Love you guys." You say and disapparate. 

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