Chapter 57

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You wake up refreshed. You get up and get dressed. You grab your bag and skip down to the Great Hall happily. On they way a few Slytherins wave and smile at you. You do the same back and enter the hall. You sit down next to Lee and Fred. "Morning love." Fred says and kisses your head. "Morning!" You smile and start eating breakfast. "Happy today are we?" Lee laughs. You nod. "I feel amazing on this brilliant morning." You say. "On the way here some Slytherins waved at me and...and smiled!" Neville says and sits down.

"Same to me. Guess they are happy with your Quidditch idea and wanted to be nice." You say. Some people look at you. "What? Quidditch is like the one thing everyone has in common." You say and continue eating. Breakfast ends and you head to Potions with Fred. You sit down in the back and Snape makes a dramatic entrance like always. "Today class, we will be preparing to make a potion called Draught of Peace. Does anybody know what Draught of Peace is?" He raises an eyebrow.

You raise your hand. "Y/l/n..." He says. "When someone drinks it they get a wave of wanting to make peace with everyone?" You guess Snape slightly smiles a bit. "Close Y/l/n, five points to Gryffindor for trying." He walks up to his desk and sits down. Fred leans over to your ear. "Why does he keep giving you points? He usually takes away points from us." He whispers. "I don't know Freddie. It's quite weird to be honest." You whisper back and open your potions book. The day goes by quickly. At lunch some people from the other houses came and sat at the Gryffindor table. 

"I forgot we still have Quidditch practice for the real games we play with the teachers present." You say as you change into your Quidditch robes. "I know, I did too. The game last night was amazing though." Fred says as he watches you. "Don't you have your own robes to change into and not watch me?" You roll your eyes. "I like watching you change." He smirks. You grab a pillow and throw it at his face. "Perv!" You say. "Let's just get down to the pitch. I'm mad that Wood made George the captain and not me!" He groans.

"It's probably because last year you said, 'Knock on Wood.' and everyone hit Oliver on the head." You say. You get down to the Quidditch Pitch and see both Gryffindor and Slytherin teams. "Hey guys, what's happening?" You ask as you walk up to Flint and George talking. "Flint wants our teams to practice together, since tomorrow night we are playing as a team." George crosses his arms. "George keeps saying no!" Flint says. You put your hand up for everyone to just stop. 

"George, that does sound like a good idea." You say. George rolls his eyes. "They are just going to steal the new formations I came up with!" George yells. "George! Don't be so rude. You are going to need to learn that even though we have our differences, we are going to all have to work together at some point. Flint you're practicing with us." You say and walk away. "You aren't the captain." George says. You turn back around to look at him. "I don't give a fuck. They are practicing with us. Suck it up princess." You say and open the chest to grab the Quaffle. "Chasers! You're with me. Up now!" You mount your broom and fly high into the air.

Practice was kinda tense. You could tell the Slytherins were kind of scared of you. You go to the locker rooms and change into some grey jeans and a black shirt. You put on your red Converse and head back up to the castle. "Hi Marcus." You say without looking behind you. "How'd you know I was behind you?" He asks. "Instincts, now what is it?" You say not even looking at him. "Why did you say we could practice with you? I thought you hated Slytherin." He says. You roll your eyes and look at him. "I don't hate you guys. I hate the way you act like you're better than anyone else because you're all Pure Bloods. I want all four houses to come together and be friends. None of this rivalry nonsense anymore." You say. 

He nods and goes back to his team. Fred catches up with you and wraps his arm around your waist. "He was just asking why I said they could practice with us. That's it." You say. Fred nods and you both head to the Great Hall.  

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