Chapter 17

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Your POV

You lay in bed and cry. There's a knock on the door and you yell, "Go away! Just leave me alone." You whisper the last part. The door opens and George walks in. He sits on your bed and looks at you. "What happened Y/n?" He asks.

You sit up to show him your face. "You're stupid twin brother happened." You say. George moves closer to your and wraps his arms around you. "What did my stupid brother do?" He says. You start to cry as you think about it.

"I walked in on Fred on top and kissing Angelina." You cry. George hugs you tighter and kisses your head. "It's alright Y/n. I'll give him a piece of my mind." He says. You laugh just a tiny bit. "You sound like Ron. He said that during dinner." You and George sit together for a bit longer before he gets up.

"I'm gonna to talk to Fred." He says. You nod and lay back down.

George's POV 

I leave Y/n's room and head to Fred's. I kick down the door open and see Fred and Angelina still together. "Angelina leave now." I say. She rolls her eyes. "I don't have to listen to you." I grab her shirt and drag her out of Fred's dorm.

I slam the door and look back at Fred. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Kissing another girl, while you're dating- no lemme rephrase that. While you were dating Y/n. She is so heartbroken because of you." I say. Fred just looks down at the ground and doesn't say anything. 

"I can't believe you would do that to Y/n. She was so in love with you." I say and walk out. I head back to Y/n's room to find her fast asleep in bed. I quietly crawl in her bed and hold her close to me. 

Back to your POV 

You wake up with a huge headache. You sit up and look at the time. "Crap, I missed first period." You say. You turn to see George sleeping. You try to shake him awake. "George, you gotta get up. We gotta get to class." You say.

You get out of bed and change into your robes. George sits up. "I'm up, I'm up. Sorry, I didn't mean to stay here all night. Just for a little bit then leave." He says. "It's okay George." You say quietly. 

You and George walk out of your dorm and quickly head to Potions. You get there just in time. You look around and the seat choices are either next to Fred or Draco. George quickly takes the seat next to Fred. As you walk over to Draco, you know that Fred is staring at you. 

You sit down next to Draco. "Why aren't you sitting next to your red haired boyfriend?" He asks laughing. "Broke up last night." You say calmly. He starts to say something but stops. "Oh, I'm sorry." He says. "I don't want your pity." You say and face him. 

He puts his hands up and you look back up at the front. "Today we'll be smelling your Amortentia potions. They are finished brewing after a couple of weeks." Snape says. You get bottles and dunk them into your potions. 

"Mr. Malfoy, what do you smell?" Snape asks. Everyone turns to Draco and waits. "I smell... mint, a lake and pine." He says. Snape the looks at you and you take a whiff. "Fireworks, cinnamon toothpaste." (I wanted to change the third smell than what it says on tik tok) 

Snape continues to the next person. After a while, it gets to Fred. "Vanilla, firewood and pages from a book." (Wanted to change that one too). He says. You roll your eyes and face the front again. "Probably stupid Angelina." You whisper. 

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