Chapter 69

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"Lets move out now, I heard Filch and the other teachers are at a meeting again tonight." You say. You pick your broom up and quietly walk out of the common room with Neville, George and Fred. Once you exit the castle, the four of you run down to the Quidditch Pitch. You get inside and it's filled with the whole school. "Wow, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang is here too." Neville says. The rest of the Slytherins get into the stands while you walk out to the middle of the pitch. You put your wand up to your throat and start talking. 

"Welcome! It's brilliant seeing all of you here tonight for our first night match of the year!" Everyone around cheers. "It's wonderful to see Beauxbatons and Durmstrang here tonight as well. Tonight! Gryffindor and Hufflepuff against Slytherin and Ravenclaw! A special thanks to Neville Longbottom for coming up with this idea!" You start clapping for Neville and he turns pink. "Let's get this game started!" You run over to the side and put your wand into your pocket. "We already got the starters picked so you all head up there." You say and sit down. 

"You aren't starting?" Cedric asks. You shake your head no. "I started mostly in all of the games last year, letting some other people start. Give them some time to shine." You smile. He sits down next to you. "I'm letting Harry start as Seeker. He's more stressed about the second task then I am. I already figured it out." He says. You sit up and look at him. "You have? Already? I have some theories but every time I open it, it just lets out that horrible screeching noise." You shake your head a bit. 

You take your wand out and pictures pop up. "I have a theory that the second task has to with either water or lava." You say. A picture of the Golden Egg pops up with water on the left side of it and lava on the right. "You're right with the water. Take your egg to the Prefect's bathroom. Sit in the water for a bit." He says. You nod and look up at the game. You grab your broom at the sight of a Hufflepuff falling off their brooms. You catch them and see it's a second year. "Guys! I told you last year! There are still children out here." You yell at everyone. You put him back on his broom and go back to Cedric. 

You get some playing time but not a lot. "Terrence Higgs has caught the Snitch! Adding one hundred and fifty points to Slytherin and Ravenclaw! They win!" Lee shouts. Everyone cheers for them. You quickly grab your things and run up to the castle. You grab your egg from your dorm and make your way to the Prefect's bathroom. "Just gonna have a little bath in here." You whisper. You enter the bathroom and start the water. When the water is done filling up, you undress and sit in the tub. 

"Hello Y/n." You jump and see Myrtle sitting on top of the sinks. "Oh hell Myrtle! Long time no see." You laugh. She floats down next to you. "I heard you're in the Triwizard Tournament, long with Harry." She says. You nod. "I'm sixteen, my birthday isn't until June. Harry is fourteen, someone put your names into the goblet." You say. You pick your egg up and examine in. You open it and the screeching noise emerges from it. You quickly shut it and lean back. "You should try putting it in the water." Myrtle smiles and floats away. 

You put it under the water and open it. You go under the water and listen to the egg's song. "Come seek us where our voices sound, we cannot sing above the ground. An hour long you'll have to look. To recover what we took. But past an house - prospects black. Too late, it's gone. It won't come back." You quickly come up for air and close the egg. "I was right, the Second Task is going to be at the Black Lake. Something with mermaids." You say. Mrytle nods. "Took the handsome one ages." She giggles. "Cedric?" You ask. She nods and flies through the sink. 

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