Chapter 31

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An hour goes by and you get ready to head down to the Black Lake. You head down the stairs into the common room. "Heading to see Freddie I presume?" George asks. "Yup! Asked me to meet him by the Black Lake." You say. "Hey, make sure you slap him for me. He didn't give me my two Sickles the other day!" He laughs. You nod and head out of the common room.

You get to the Black Lake and see Fred standing there and looking out at the water. You walk up next to him. "I've always thought the lake was beautiful. Despite how people say it's so dangerous." You say. Fred turns to you and hugs you. "Oh, what is this for?" You giggle and hug him tight. "You're just such an amazing girlfriend Y/n. I love you so much. I want us to be together forever. I want to marry you and have children." He says. 

"Me too Freddie. Now, may I ask why you asked me to meet you here?" You ask looking up at him. His eyes brighten and he reaches into his pocket. He takes out a box and hand it to you. You take it and look confused. "What is it?" "Just open it." He smiles You look down at the box. You open it and there's a ring inside. "B-But Fr-" "I'm not asking you to marry me just yet! It's a promise ring. I know how you love rings so I got you this." He scratches the back of his neck nervously.

You take it out and put it into your hand. You examine it and smile. You put it on your left hand ring finger. "I love it." You say. "Y-You do?" Fred asks. "Of course I do! It's from you and I love rings. I'm glad you noticed that." You smile. You cup Fred's face and kiss him. He kisses back and picks you up. 

"Oh and George asked me to do this." You say. You lightly slap his cheek. "Whyyyy." He whines kissing you. "Apparently you didn't pay him two sickles the other day." You laugh. "Let's go have a little chat with him." Fred says. He puts you onto his back and runs back up to the caslte. You enter the common room and Fred sets you down.

"So a little birdy told my girlfriend to slap me because I didn't pay them." He says crossing his arms and looking at George. "Oh uh, um I didn't mean it Freddie! You know me, just joking around." He says standing up from the couch. "Suree Georgie. Come here!" Fred yells and starts to chase after him. George starts running away screaming in a high pitched voice. 

Time skip to the end of the year

You and Fred enter the Great Hall and sit down at the Gryffindor table with your hats on. "Another fantastic year has gone by!" Dumbledore says. "Congratulations of Gryffindor in winning the Quidditch Cup this year." You all cheer and clap at the achievement. "Yes, yes. Now to announce who won the House Cup. In fourth place, Hufflepuff with 329 points. Third place, Ravenclaw with 429  points. Second place, Slytherin with 485 points. And in first place  with 510 points." Dumbledore smiles and everyone erupts into cheers. 

You look over to the Slytherin table who is all groaning and slamming their heads onto the table. "Now enough with my yapping! I'll let you enjoy the feast!" Food appears onto the table and you kind of just stare at it. "Are you going to eat anything love?" Fred asks. You shake your head.

"I'm not really hungry at the moment bub." Fred kisses you on your cheek. "Please eat something princess. How about two bites of turkey? For me?" He asks. "Fine." You whine and grab some turkey and put it onto your plate 

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