Chapter 82

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You run past Ron and Hermione on their way into the common room. You have an hour intl you're supposed to be in your houses. You run all over the castle trying to find George and Fred. You run out to the pitch and see them in the stands. You run up the stairs and over to them. "George! Fred! Big news from Harry and I!" You shout to them. You get up to them and sit down. "Um Y/n, how long have you been running for?" George asks. "I don't know. Been sprinting all around the castle trying to find you two. Quite a nice workout." You laugh.

Fred kisses your cheek. "Anyways back to what I need to tell you. So, do you believe Harry and I? About seeing You Know Who?" You ask with pleading eyes. They both nod. "Okay good. Since Umbridge isn't teaching us anything to defend ourselves, Harry came up with the idea to gather a bunch of people and tell them to meet us somewhere in Hogsmeade. A bunch of people don't believe us but still." You stand up and start pacing. "We were just talking about it. Ron and Hermione are obviously going to be on bored. I'm talking to you two." 

You continue rambling until Fred grabs your hand and puts his hand over your mouth. "Y/n! We will join you guys." Fred says. He doesn't removed his hand so you lick it. He yanks his hand back and starts wiping it on George. You smile. "Oopsies. But alright thank you both. I'm gonna go tell Harry!" You jump and start running back up to the castle. On your way you bump into Neville. "Ah shit. Sorry Nev. I should be more careful... Oh no! Your plant/." You say and get to the ground to pick it up. "I'm sorry Neville. It's my fault for bumping into you. The pot broke." You say. 

Neville gets on his knees and starts helping you. "Oh it's alright Y/n. I can get another pot for it." He smiles. You clean the rest of the dirt up. "Neville, do you believe Harry and I? About You Know Who?" You ask looking at him. "Of course Y/n. Why?" He asks. You stand up and help him up. "Well since Umbridge isn't teaching us anything, Harry came up with the idea to get a group of people to teach defensive spells to. In case anything like that happened." You say. "Plus, I want to break as many rules as possible. Even if it does mean this happens again." You pull your sleeve up and show Neville your hand. 

After you told Harry that George, Fred and Neville were on board with the idea, you both started to ask some other people. At first a lot of them said no but you told them just to come and see. You both decided to meet in Hogsmeade at the the Hog's Head. You walked in with Harry and everyone looked at you. You sat down to Ron and Hermione. "Um, thank you all for coming." You say awkwardly. You look at Harry but he doesn't say anything. 

Hermione rolls her eyes and starts talking. "We need something to teach. Someone who knows all about defensive spells." She says. Everyone stays quiet. You sigh and stand up. "I know most of you don't believe Harry and I about You Know Who, but you can trust us. We all know that Umbridge isn't going to teach us anything. We need to be prepared for anything. We can't just say Expelliarmus or Wingardium Leviosa. That's won't help." You say crossing your arms. 

"Why should we believe ya?" Seamus asks. You walk over and crouch down in front of him. "Who in the bloody hell would lie about seeing You Know Who, Seamus? Huh?" You scoff. "I believe you." Luna says. You smile at her and stand up. Everyone else murmurs then smiles. "Now, we need a teacher like Hermione said. Someone who knows a lot of defensive spells." You say. "What about you and Harry?" Neville suggests. You look at Harry. "I don't know a thing!" Harry says. You walk over to him.

"I've seen you duel Harry. You could teach them with me." You say. He sits for a moment then nods. You smile and look back at everyone. "Alright then! There's a piece of parchment and a quill over here. Write your name on it for 'Dumbledore's Army'." Everyone lines up to write their name down. When Fred writes his name he stands next to you and kisses your head. 

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