Chapter 77

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You walk over to Cho and sit down next to her. You put her arm around her. "I wish I hugged him tighter before he went into the arena." Cho cries. You rub her back. "I wish I did too." You say. She looks up at you. "C-Can I know what happened?" She asks. You smile sadly and nod. "When we all grabbed the cup, it took us to this graveyard. The cup was a Portkey. "Vold- You know who, was there with a servant." You pause for a moment. "He told his servant to kill Cedric. He had nothing to do with the situation and he was just murdered." You say. 

Cho cries into your arms. "I couldn't protect him.I tried, but I couldn't get to him in time from the fall." You whisper. Cho doesn't say anything and continue to cry. Dumbledore runs up with Snape, McGonagall and Sprout. "Miss Y/l/n, I need you to come with me right now." Dumbledore says. Cho sits up and wipes her eyes. "Miss Chang, you'll go with Professor Sprout." Snape says. You stand up and follow the three of them. "Professors! Where are we going?" You shout. You try your best to catch up. 

You follow them up to the DADA classroom. Dumbledore runs up the stairs and destroys the door. They all run in and you fall in. "What's happening?" You ask picking yourself up. McGonagall grabs you and Harry and put you both behind her. Snape pours something down Moody's throat and Dumbledore keeps asking questions. "Professor, what's happening?" You ask grabbing her arm. "Just watch honey." She says. You look over at Dumbledore and Snape. "Barty Crouch Jr." Harry whispers. 

You look over at the chest and open in. "Professors!" You say. They all run over and peer down. "You alright down there Alastor?" Dumbledore says. "I'm sorry Albus." Moody says. You run out of the room and away from the tower. "What the fuck is happening?" You say. You sit down in a dark corner and put your head in your hands. "Y/n, are you alright?" You look up and Harry is stand there. "Oh um, I'm great Harry." You say and sit back. He sits down next to you. "Can I ask you something?" He asks. 

You nod. "How does Voldemort know your parents? He said how much you looked like them." He says. You sigh. "When my parents attended Hogwarts. It was around the same time Tom Riddle was there. My parents where Gryffindors and obviously he was Slytherin." You laugh a bit. "Dumbledore told me a couple years ago, that Voldemort killed my parents out of love not hatred." You say. Harry looks at you funny. "Out of love?" He questions. You nod." Tom and my parents had a tight bond. You see Harry, there was another dark wizard before Voldemort. No on knows who he is or where he is. He was planning to come kill my parents and me. Voldemort found out and quickly came to my home to tell my parents." 

You look over at the window to stare at the moon. "My mum told him to take me to Molly's home so she could take care of me. Tom didn't want to kill my parents because he loved them so much but my mum said to do it." You turn to look back at him. "I-I'm sorry Y/n." He says. You smile and shake your head. "Don't apologize. I don't even know what to think of it. They made him my Godfather. Just like how yours made Sirius your Godfather." You say. You look down at your clothes. "I think I'm going to go take a shower and get some different clothes on. My face and arms are still full of cuts and blood." You stand up and help Harry up. "And you arm is messed up. I'll drop you off at Madam Pomfrey on the way." You laugh. 

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