Chapter 96

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You disapparate back and end up in your bedroom. Fred was sitting o the bed and jumped when you appeared. "Where were you? I was so worried!" He says while hugging you. "Dumbledore is dead." You whisper. Fred let's go of you and grabs your hand "What?" He asks. You look at him. "Dumbledore is dead. I was just at Hogwarts. Hermione owled me." You say. Fred hugs you again. "Do you know who d-" "Snape did. Harry told me everything. Draco was going to do it but he was lowering his wand when Bellatrix Lestrange kept telling him to kill Dumbledore. Harry witnessed the whole thing." You say. 

Fred guides you to the bed and lays down next to you. You don't really feel sad that Dumbledore died, but you do in a way. He taught you a lot at your time in Hogwarts. He was a mentor towards you. You lay your head on Fred's chest and close you eyes slowly falling asleep. 

The next morning you got up and got dressed. You left the shop and looked at a copy of the Daily Prophet to see an article about Dumbledore's death. You take it and head back. When you enter you see George sitting on the counter eating breakfast. "In case you didn't know." You say and hand him the copy. He reads it and his eyes grow wide. "Are you sure he's gone?" He asks. You nod. "Went there yesterday. Saw his body and Harry." You say. "How's Harry? He asks looking up from the paper. "I don't know. Yesterday he wasn't doing good." You say and sit next to George.

Molly couldn't pick up Ron, Hermione, Harry and Ginny so you and Fred went to get them at the train station. As you and Fred walk through the barrier the train pulled up and people started filing out. Ginny sees you and runs up to you. She jumps on top of you and you both fall to the ground. She hugs you tight and you laugh. "I missed you too Ginny." You say. She helps your up. "How was Quidditch? Did you beat Slytherin?" You asked her. "It was brilliant. I had so much fun. And yes we did. She smiles. 

Ron, Hermione and Harry walk up. "Are you two spending the summer with us?" You ask looking at them. They look at each other and then at you. "No, we're going home fore the summer." Hermione says. You raise an eyebrow but not. Hermione and Harry leave while you wait for Ron and Ginny to get their trunks. "Harry and Hermione are off." You say to Fred. "How? They seem fine to me." He says. You turn to him. "I could see it in their faces. Something is going to happen next month. I can feel it." You say. 

Fred wraps his arm around your waist. "Four Galleons?" He smirks. You roll your eyes. "Four Galleons." You say. Ron and Ginny come back with their trunks. You disapparate back to the Burrow. "I've sent all day trying to get everything ready for when you came home." Molly says running outside from the kitchen. She pulls Ron and Ginny into a bone crushing hug then you and Fred. You all go back inside and sit at the table. 

George walks in ten minutes later. "It's weird here now." You say. "Why do you say that dear?" Molly asks as she does a spell on the dishes and they start washing themselves. "There aren't that many of us here now. Arthur is at work of course but Bill, Charlie and Percy are all doing their own things, Harry and Hermione aren't here. George, Fred and I have the joke shop. Then it just leaves Ron and Ginny here alone." You say. 

Molly comes behind you and puts her hands on your shoulders. "I know. It seems quiter here then it used to be." She says looking at George and Fred. "Awww, mum misses the explosions coming from your room and all the yelling." George says and gets up to hug Molly. She laughs. "I'll admit it. I do miss that." She says smiling. Arthur walk through the door and sits down. He looks around at all of you. "It's rather weird here, isn't it?" He asks. You all look at each other and smile. 

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