Chapter 48

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The Boggart changes and splits into two people. Fred and Phoebe. They smirk at you and start kissing. You start to tear up a bit and the Boggart changeds into all of your friends shouting rude things are you and then walking away laughing. "Riddikulus." You say, They turn into balloons and start flying around the room. You turn around to look at George while all the Slytherins are laughing, especially Phoebe. "What a horrible fear to have! That must really suck!" She laughs. "You may be excused Y/n." Lupin says. 

You nod and quickly walk out of the room with all of your stuff. You sit down at a bench and try to relax. "Are you alright?" You look and see George. You shrug your shoulders and wipe your tears. George sits next to you and hugs you. "I can understand your Boggart, with what's going on right now." He says. You dig your head into his chest. "You know, writing down how your day goes helps me. Everyday I write the date and then write down what I did and how it went." He says and rubs your back. 

You stay quiet and close your eyes. "My Boggart if Fred's corpse. The thing I fear the very most is my twin brother dying." He says. You sit up and look at him. "Really?" You say. George smiles sadly and nods. "I fear for him everyday. I just don't want anything to happen to him." He says. You lean your back against the wall and fiddle with your mother's ring. "When Fred and I were together, the thing I feared was him leaving me. And of course it came true. I feel so embarrassed that everyone saw my greatest fear." You say. George wraps his arm around your shoulders "If anyone says anything, you come straight to me and I'll prank the life outta them." He says. You laugh and agree.  


The next twenty five days were hell. Phoebe kept torturing you and being an asshole. You cried almost everyday. Luna, Neville, Cedric and George all helped you through it. You enter the Great Hall with the four of them and walk over to the table and sit near Fred and Phoebe. George pours the Veratiserum into a goblet and hands it to you. "When Phoebe is looking away, switch the cups." He whispers to you. You nod and wait. Phoebe turns away to kiss Fred and you quickly switch the cups and act like nothing is wrong. 

Phoebe takes a drink and looks over at your group. "So Phoebe, we have some questions to ask you." Luna says. "Go ahead Luna." Phoebe smiles. Luna looks at George. "Is it true that Y/n punched you in the Courtyard?" He asks. She shakes her head no. "Not at all, I just wanted Fred to break up with her." Fred looks at Phoebe and then you. "Phoebe, did Y/n ever arm you in any way?" Fred asks. She shakes her head no again. 

"I just wanted to make her life a living hell. She doesn't deserve to be alive, she doesn't deserve you Fred." She smiles again. You sit up straight and start to speak. "Did you or did you not do a spell on my arm that made words carve into my arm?" "Yes I did, I believe you are a slut and whore." She smiles. People start listening in. "Did you lie to everyone here are Hogwarts?" Neville asks loudly. Everyone turns and looks at her.

She smiles nervously. "Of course I did. Y/n doesn't deserve to be well known. Everyone has to hate her." She says. You turn to Fred who's mouth is hung open. "Proves my case Weasley." You say and stand up. "Y/n I-I'm so sorry." Fred tries to apologize. "No, you don't get to apologize right now. You put me through so much pain. I still have the words she carved into my skin. They are scars now and I hate it." You say and leave the Great Hall. 

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