Chapter 100

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As everyone is having a good time, a blue ball of light comes flying through the ceiling. "The Ministry has fallen. The Ministry of Magic is dead. They are coming." It vanishes and a scream is heard. Black shadows come in and out of the tent. Death Eaters. You take your wand out and start firing at them. Most of them get hit. You frantically look around for Fred and find him with George fighting some Death Eaters. You point your wand towards one. "Avada Kedavra!" You yell. The Death Eater drops head while George and Fred look at you. "I didn't want to use that one but it was the only thing that came to mind." You whisper.

You watch Hermione, Ron and Harry disapparate somewhere and you sigh of relief. You fire more spells at Death Eaters and they all disappear somewhere. Everyone runs outside frantically looking around for more of them. "I think they're gone." Lupin says. Molly is looking in every direction. "Where are they!" She yells. "Who?" Charlie asks walking over to his mother. "Ron, Hermione and Harry." She says. "I watched them disapparate somewhere. They are okay. But I don't think we're going think we're going to see them for a while." You say. 

Everyone stays silent and looks at you. You sigh. "They told me they aren't attending Hogwarts this year. They went to find the Horcruxes Voldemort created. I told them to go to Twelve Grimmauld Place and talk to Kreacher to find the real Salazar Slytherin locket." You say kicking the ground a bit. "Why didn't they tell us?" George asks. You shrug. "They just told me today. But don't worry, Hermione will keep them in shape. Haha." You laugh nervously. "Shouldn't you be with them? Help find the Horcruxes and destroy them?" Fred asks. 

You punch his arm. "What is it Y/n?" Bill asks. You pick at your nails before talking. "Few year ago, Dumbledore told me that my parents and Tom Riddle were best friends when they attended Hogwarts. Killed them out of love or something like that. Mum told him to take me here to Molly cause she knew that she would be able to take care of me. They made Tom my Godfather." You say. Everyone stays silent again. "You all must think that I'm going to turn on all of you because of it." You say and kick some dirt.

"We don't think that at all. Do you want him to be defeated?" Bill asks. You shrug. "I didn't know Tom that well. I was only five. I can't remember anything from that time. He's hurt so many people and had killed many people that I love and care about." You say. 


It's almost been a month since Hermione, Ron and Harry left. You're hoping they have found the real Salazar Slytherin locket by now. You, George and Fred have been living at the Burrow since the wedding. Everyone in the house has gone out to do something, that left you home alone. You put on some music and start dancing. You jump on the kitchen table and scream the lyrics, trying to have a good time with everything that is going on. out of the corner of your eye you see a shadow fly by the window. You quickly turn the music off and take your wand out. 

You walk out the back door and spin around trying to see if anyone is around. A twig snaps and you throw a spell towards it. You turn around and see Fred laying on the ground. You run over to him. "Oh my god Fred! I'm so sorry!" You say. He smiles and laughs. "What's so funny?" You ask wiping some dirt off his nose. "I was trying to scare you. Ended up on the ground instead." He says. You roll your eyes and help him up. "You didn't by any chance, see me dancing did you?" You ask nervously. 

He pulls you close and kisses you. "Of course I did, and you say I'M bad at dancing." He laughs. You hit him in the arm and go back inside. "What did you do today?" He asks sitting down at the table. "Nothing. All of you left and I sat here doing nothing." You say and hop onto the counter, grabbing a cup and filling it with water. You look down at your socks. "I have a hole in my socks." You say randomly. A large cloud rolls over and it starts raining. Thunder rumbles while you look outside. "Don't you love the rain Freddie? It's so beautiful with the little beats it makes when the drops hit an object." You say to him without looking. 

Fred stands up and grabs your hands. "Where are we going?" You ask. He just smiles and drags your outside. Music starts to play and he grabs your waist with one hand, your hand in the other. You two start dancing in the rain. You laugh at the silly faces he makes. Fred lifts you up into the air and spins around. He sets you back down and you kiss him. "It's funny how you can still have a grand time even if there is something going on in the Wizarding World." You say. Fred spins and dips you down. "You just gotta keep moving forward. If something stops you in your path, you take it down and keep going. That's what I do. Don't let anything get in your way to greatness." He says.

You eyes grow wide. "The Fred Weasley walking serious? What happened to my prankster?" You smile. Fred takes something out of his pocket and throws it at your face. Fireworks come out of it. "He's still here." He cheekily smiles and runs away. You yell at him and chase him around in the rain. 

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