Chapter 94

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All summer long everyone was helping to build Weasley's Wizard Wheezes in Diagon Alley. Towards the middle of August it's done. "Well would you look at that? Beautiful isn't it?" Fred puts his arm over your shoulder as all of your look up at the shop. "Really is." You say. "Tomorrow is the big opening day. I already owled most of you friends." George says smiling. "Will you three still visit?" Molly asks running over to hug you three. 

"Of course mum. We aren't just going to abandon you." Fred and hugs her. Molly stands back to look at the three of you. "You're all so grown up!" She cries to Arthur. "We're a bunch of misfits." You smile. You all walk into the shop with all of the products around the room. "This'll give me a headache." Percy says and walks out. "I think it's brilliant." Ron says. You look up and see something moving across a rope "I-Is that....Umbridge?" You ask pointing up. 

George and Fred look at each other then up. "Yup, designed that not even a week ago. That old hag." George laughs. "Brilliant." Harry says. You walk around the shop to look at all of the products George and Fred have came up with. You walk up the stairs and look at some weird jelly beans, you pick one up. "Don't try those. They'll make you blow up like a huge balloon." Fred says behind you. 

You drop it and turn around. He walks over to you and puts his hands on your waist. "What do you think of it?" He asks kissing your cheek. "It's really brilliant. I can't believe you and George came up with ALL of this." You say. Fred smiles and kisses you again. "Hey! No snogging in here!" You both jump and look over the railing at George who is tapping his foot looking up at you. "Sorry Georgie!" You say and move away from the railing. 


George and Fred woke you up early by jumping on top of you to wake you up. "Gosh you two are literally going to be the death of me." You groan as you push them off. "Oh come on! You love us!" George says and gets up. You roll your eyes and get up as well. You change into some nice clothes as Fred changes into his suit. "You look beautiful." He says and slides his arms around your waist. You giggle and start brushing your hair. "Give me attentionnnn." Fred whines and kisses your neck. 

"Fred not right now." You say. You turn around and kiss him. "Now let's go downstairs and get the shop ready. I can already tell it's going to be packed." You say and walk out of the room. You head down to the shop and see people already in. "George you already opened?" You ask looking up. "I'm sorry! Everyone looked so eager." He laughs and walks away. 

Fred comes down from you guys' room and starts walking around with George. You walk around yourself and look at the products you didn't see yesterday. "Hey cutie, what are you doing walking around alone?" You smile thinking it's Fred so you turn around to see some random boy. You stop smiling and roll your eyes. You turn back around to what you were looking at. "I'm Corey, what's your name beautiful?" He stands next to you, too close for your liking. You step to the side. 

"Y/n." You say. "Cute name. Wanna get out of here? Let's go to the Leaky Cauldron and grab some drinks." Corey steps closer to you and grabs your arm. You remove your arm from his grasp. "Um no, I'm staying here." You say and start to walk away. He gets mad and grabs your wrist. "I guess I didn't make myself clear. Let's go." He says and starts pulling you towards the door. "Let go of me! I'm here with my boyfriend." You say trying to rip your arm away from him. He turns around grabbing your other wrist and smiles. "I don't see him around here." He says and pulls you closer to him. 

You push him away from you as hard as you can. "Turn around you twat." You turn around and see Fred standing there looking intimidating as fuck. Corey let's your wrists go. You run over to Fred and hug him. He doesn't break eye contact but wraps his arms around you. "What are you doing with my girl?" He asks. "I uhm, uh. I was just talking to her." Corey stutters. Fred nods. "Uh huh, trying to drag her out of here." He raises an eyebrow.

Fred let's go of you and walks over to Corey. "Get out of my sight, never come back here again." Fred pushes Corey out of the store and walks back to you. "Are you alright love?" He asks cupping your face. You nod he kisses your forehead then your nose. 

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