Chapter 22

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"Yeah, I finished all of my homework though." You say then look over at Fred who is staring at you. "Staring problem Weasley?" You laugh. He blushes and looks away quickly. "Are you two..." George starts laughing. "No! We are not." You say sitting up.

George laughs even more. You cross your arms and face away from them. "Aww it's okay Y/n. I know that you two smelled each other in Potions the other day." He giggles. You turn and smack him upside the head. "Ouchy." He says. You roll your eyes and continue to face away from them. 

"Welp, I'm going to bed. Goodnight you two." George smirks and walk away. It's silent except for the cracking from the fire. You stare at the fire and start thinking about your parents. You forgot about the conversation you had Dumbledore. You can feel tears start to come out of your eyes.

You quickly wipe them away. The couch sinks down and you turn to see Fred sitting fairly close ti you. "Are you okay?" He asks putting his arm around your shoulders. "You know when you were upset with me the other day? I went out to the Quidditch Pitch and George found me out there talking to Malfoy. And I completely destroyed my dorm and I went to Dumbledore?" You say still looking at the fire.

You quietly lay your head on Fred's shoulder. "Yes, and I wasn't upset. I was worried." He says. "I was thinking about my parents. How they died. No one ever told me so I went to Dumbledore. I told him how everyone said I was too young to know, so I had him tell me." You say looking up at him. 

You look back at the fire and wipe more tears off of your face. "He said that Voldemort killed my parents. Tom Riddle and my parents were best friends. And he killed them five years after they had me." You start to cry and Fred pulls you onto his lap hugging you. 

"Dumbledore said that he didn't kill my parents out of hate, it was out of love. I still don't understand." You say. Fred rubs your back. "It's alright. It was probably for a good reason." He says. You sit up and look at him. "A good reason? He killed my parents for a good reason? Sure Fred." You say rudely.

You get off his lap and head up to your dorm. "Wait Y/n! I didn't mean it like that!" Fred yells. You ignore him and slam your door. You go into the bathroom and lock yourself inside. "It was probably my fault. They probably asked Voldemort to kill them so they didn't have to deal with me." You say 

You grab a razor and start to cut your wrists. "It's all my fault they're gone." You whisper. "Y/n? Are you in there?" Fred asks and knocks on the door. "Shit." You say. "Can I come in?" He asks. "Uh, I-I don't know." You reply. "I'm gonna come in." He says. You quickly throw the razor into the shower and pull your sleeves down. 

Fred opens the door and sees you sitting on the counter and walks over to you. "Y/n, I didn't mean to say it that way." He brings his hand up to your face and wipes your tears. You sigh. "I know, I'm just tired and upset." You say. Fred feels your forehead. "Are you sure you're alright? You're burning up." He says. 

You look down and start crying again. Fred wraps his arms around you again. "It's okay darling. He lays his head on top of yours as you cry. "How about I start a nice warm shower for you?" He suggests. You nod and he slowly lets go of you. 

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