Chapter 11

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Classes start at 9 so around 8:50 you guys start to leave. You and Hermione start to talk on your way to Potions. "I know that Ron likes you Hermione! Every time he looks at you, he smiles to himself." You say.

"That's rubbish! He doesn't like me. I'm always rude to him and stop him from breaking rules." She argues. You stop before entering your class. "That's because you care for him honey. It may not seem like it to you, but you do." You say. 

You enter the class and sit down in the back. Snape makes his dramatic entrance like he always does on the first day. "There will be no wand waving or foolishness in my class. Do such a thing and you will have detention." He says.

Snape looks around, looking at all of your faces. "Miss Y/l/n, please tell me what Amortentia is." Snape stares at you. You gulp and take a deep breath. "Amortentia is a love potions that causes powerful infatuation or obsession in the drinker. The scent is multi-faceted and varies based on what the person likes." You say.

Snap raises and eyebrow. "Precisely, 20 points to Gryffindor." You sit there shocked. Everyone else looks at each other and then at you. You shrug your shoulders indicating that you have no idea what just happened. Usually Snape doesn't give any house points except Slytherin. He always takes away house points. 

"We will be brewing Amortentia in the next class. Today we are writing down note from your Potions textbooks. Turn to page 54." Snape says. Everyone quickly opens their books and start to write.

The day went by quickly. You went to all of your classes, dealt with Malfoy, and chased after George and Fred because they kept pranking you. You go up to your dorm and take your robes and uniform off. You put on leggings and a hoodie.

You lay on your bed and stare up at the ceiling. A wave of sadness rushes over you. This always happens. You don't whether it's depression or something else. You decide to go down to the Hospital Wing to take a test for depression just in case.

"What is it that you need dear?" Madam Pomfrey asks. "I um, I was wondering if I could get a test. For uh...depression?" You say while you fiddle with your ring. She gives you a sad smile and nods. She brings the test and you fill it out slowly.

You finish and give it back. Madam Pomfrey does a spell that you have never heard then give you the saddest look. "Oh Y/l/n, dear you do indeed have depression. I'm afraid that there isn't a single spell to help cure it and I don't have anything to make something that will help. I'm so sorry." 

You look down and nod. "It's okay. Thank you, have a good day." You quickly leave and head to the Great Hall for dinner. You keep your head down a bit and decide to just sit by yourself. 

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