Chapter 25

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You and Fred walk to DADA holding hands. You walk in and sit next to each other in the back. "Ah! Welcome back class! Today we are going to practice the disarming charm. All together say, Expelliarmus!" Lockhart says. "Expelliarmus." Everyone says in unison. "We learned this in second year." You whisper to Fred. "Everyone to go an empty part of the room with the person sitting next to you." You and Fred get up and go to an empty sport in the front. 

"I'll go easy on you darling." He winks. You roll your eyes and get into position. "On the count of three, you will disarm your opponent. You smile at Fred before turning around. "One!" You both walk away from each other. "Two!" You turn around and put your right arm above your head and your left arm out in front of you. Fred does the same and sticks his tongue out. "Three!" You take a step forward and whip your right arm forward and shout, "Expelliarmus!" Fred's wand flies out of his hand and you laugh. 

"I let you get me this time." He says. You laugh some more. "Sure Freddie." "Good job Y/n!" Lockhart says. You smile a tiny bit. "One more time!" You and Fred face away from each other. "One!" You walk away. "Two!" You face each other and put your arms up. "Three!" You take a step forward and point your wand at Fred. 

"Expell-" "Stupefy!" Someone yells and you go flying backwards into a bookshelf. You slam your head really hard on the ground and black out. 

You wake up in the Hospital Wing. You look up and see multiple baskets and get well cards. You look around and see no one. "H-Hello?" You whisper trying to see if anyone is there. Madam Pomfrey comes over and smiles. "You took a nasty blow to the head deary. Fred Weasley brought you here." She says and gives you some pain meds.

"How long have I been out?" You ask. "Only two days. Some of your friends have been bringing gifts and cards for you." She smiles. You smile weakly and swallow the pills. "Am I going to be able to go to Quidditch?" You ask nervously. If you couldn't, you'd have to forfeit the game against Slytherin and you know Oliver would be furious. "Yes you can. Just try not to get a Bludger to the head like Mr. Wood did." She laughs then walks away.

You sit up and grab all of the cards and start to read them. You laugh at all the silly ones. You open a bright pink colored one and confetti pops out of it. You see it's from George and wipe the confetti off of your face. When you're about to open the next one, you hear people talking and laughing.

Classes must be done for the day. You go back to opening the next card and heart shaped balloons fly out of it. You read the little note after the last balloon comes out.

Dear Y/n,

I hope you get better soon my love. I can't wait to see you again. I've been coming to see you everyday right after class. Its been weird without you in class and during practice. I love you.


You smile and look up to see the balloons floating all around the room. "I hate it when students send cards with things that float. It's horrible getting rid of them." Madam Pomfrey says as she picks a broom up and tries to swat them down. You giggle then hear people running. You turn towards the door of the wing and see the trio, Neville, George, Fred, Oliver, Penny, Luna, Percy and..Ginny? 

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