Chapter 49

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Fred runs up to you. "Y/n! Please! Let me explain." He says. You turn around and slap him. "You don't get to explain yourself Fred. I tried and tried to tell you I was innocent and I never did any of that! You believed that bitch and didn't believe your girlfriend. You aren't getting a pass on this one. Now if you would excuse me, I'm going to find my broom because Quidditch starts tomorrow." You say and walk away trying not to cry. You get up to your dorm and find your broom sitting in your closet. You pick it up and grab your Quidditch robes setting them on your bed. 

Someone knocks on the door and open it. All of your house mates at standing there. "I told you Y/n isn't that type of person!" Seamus says happily. Everyone comes into your room smiling. "Hey guys, is there something I can help you with?" You ask nervously.  They all smile at each other and Dean walks behind you and puts a blindfold over your eyes. "Um Dean, what are you doing? Where are you guys taking me?" You say as you felt people pick you up. "Are you guys sacrificing me to the Gods?" You laugh. "Nope, we're taking you somewhere." Someone ays.

You can tell you're outside because it got a bit colder. You finally get put down and they take your blindfold off. "Why are we outside in the Courtyard?" You turn to them. They all smile and point up to the sky. You turn around and look up at the sky. Fireworks start shooting up and exploding. The first five were just normal until the next one pops up and words shine brightly in the sky. "Y/n!" Someone yells. You look a bit to the right and see Fred waving. You roll your eyes and turn to everyone.

"You all brought me here for him?" You cross your arms. Ginny steps forward. "Fred really misses you Y/n. He's been dreading everything he did and said about you. He's been crying for about a week now and saying he fucked up." She says. "Ginny!" Ron yells after she curses. You turn around and wave up at Fred. He comes down and tells everyone to let us talk alone. Everyone smiles and leaves. Fred turns to you and grabs your hands. "You have five minutes Weasley." You say. Fred smiles brightly. "Y/n, I love you so much. I should have never said any of those things and I shouldn't have believed Phoebe. She just convinced me some how and I believed her. I'm so sorry for the way I have been treating you. I don't want to lose you. I know this is the second time I messed up and I keep asking for your forgiveness, but this last time..." He pauses.

You raise your eyebrows. "This last time, please give me another chance." He says. You stand there for a moment thinking. You look up at Fred and smile. His face brightens and picks you up spinning you around. "Hang on! Let's go back to being best friends for a while, okay? You really hurt me." You say. Fred puts your down and hugs you. "Okay, that's fine. Whatever you want darling." He says. You hug him tightly. "Come on Freddie. I have a prank I've been wanting to do on Snape for a while but I need you and Georgie." You say and grab his hand. 

"I missed you calling me Freddie. It hurt to be called Fred all of the time." He says and kisses your cheek. You walk back inside and everyone runs over to hug you guys. "Are you guys back together?" Neville asks. "I told him we could go back to being best friends again for a while. We aren't jumping back into a relationship." You smile. Luna and Cedric walk over and hug you. "I'm so glad you're happy again Y/n." Luna says. "Thanks Luna. I want to thank you, Cedric, Neville, George and Myrtle of course, for helping me." You say. 

Everyone smiles and walks away. "Did someone say my name?" Myrtle comes flying out of a wall. "I did Myrtle! I was saying thanks to the people who helped me." You say happily. Myrtle smiles and looks over at Fred. "Hurt her again and I'll haunt you!" She yells. Fred yelps and hides behind you while Myrtle laughs. 

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