Chapter 87

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You sigh. "We should get back up to the castle. I really don't want another detention with Umbridge. My arm is covered in sentences." You say and look up at the moon. "How many detentions have you had this year?" Fred laughs. You pull your sleeve up to show him every single word Umbridge made you right. "You can count it you'd like." You laugh a bit. Fred takes your arm and skims his thumb over them. "I'm not counting. We need to tell someone Y/n. This is technically abuse." He says.

You shake your head. "It'll do no good. It doesn't matter. Some of them are healing but really slowly." You roll your sleeve down and look at him. "Let's just go back. I'm tired anyways." You say and start climbing down. You and Fred head back to the common room and go to sleep.


The next day you get through all of your classes and it's finally time to get back to the Room of Requirement. You walk in and everyone is already there with Harry. "Sorry I'm a bit late. Umbridge kept me back to talk." You roll your eyes and walk to the front. "Today we want to teach you Stupefy. It kind of knocks back you opponent. Now everyone make two lines." You say. Everyone lines up while you and Harry are in the middle. You walk away. "Demonstration Harry?" You bow to be funny.

You throw your wand to Fred. "Stupefy!" Harry yells and you go flying back. You hit the ground and laugh. "It gives you bit of a shock but it's not bad." You say getting up and dusting yourself off. "This may seem cruel but you're going to pair up again and practice on each other. One pair at a time. We want you to sort of know the feeling of it." Harry says.

Everyone pairs up. Ron and Hermione are first up. "I'll go easy on you." Ron says. "Thanks Ronald." Hermione shakes her head. They put their wands up. "Go." You say. Before Ron even says anything, Hermione already says "Stupefy!" Ron goes flying back and whimpers. George and Fred start laughing. Ron gets up and walks over to them. "I let her do that." He massages his neck. "Oh yeah?" George snickers. The lesson ends quick.

"Well done everyone! See you all tomorrow." You smile and everyone starts leaving. You walk over to the mirror and look at the mirror again. "You've taken an unusual liking to that picture." You look at the mirror seeing Neville standing there. "Oh, well it's just nice to see how happy these people look. I only know a few of them. Neville walks up next to you and points his finger to a man and woman. "Those two are my parents. I miss them." He whispers. "If you don't mind me asking, what happened to them?" You ask looking at him through the mirror. 

He stays silent for a moment. "B-Bellatrix Lestrange tortured them with the Cruciatus Curse. They're at St. Mungos now. Me and my grandmother visit them from time to time. They don't remember us, but I still tell them what happens here at school even if they don't understand." He manages to say. You turn to him. "Oh Neville. That must be horrible." You say grabbing his arm. "It is a bit. It's nice to seem them, even if they don't know who I am." He says. Tears start falling down his face. You wipe them off and hug him. "I'm quite proud to be their son, but I don't want everyone to know just yet." He says.

You look at him and smile. "They would be very proud to be your parents Nev." You turn back to the picture. "I know my parents weren't ever part of the Order, but we're gonna make them proud. That's a promise." You smile. You say goodbye and quickly leave the room before anybody walks down the hall.  Warm hands grip your waist and pull you into a closet. "Do you always have to pull me into closets Fred?" You say looking up at him. "How'd you know it was me?" He asks. "Fred I know you. I know when it's you that touches my waist."You laugh. 

He grabs your waist again and pull you closer. He leans down to your ear. "I don't know if I ever told you this but your look pretty hot when you're focused." He whispers. You start blushing. "W-Well they're just def-defensive spells I'm teaching Freddie." You stutter. Fred smirks and brings his hand up to your cheek. "Nervous princess?" He asks. You look away but he makes you look at him. "No, you look at me when I'm talking to you." He says. 

You look into his eyes again. He smirks and starts kissing you. You automatically kiss back. Fred grabs your legs and picks you up. You gasp and he takes that moment to stick his tongue into your mouth. He puts your against the wall while dragging his hands up and down your thighs. He pulls away and starts leaving hickeys on your neck. 

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