Chapter 5

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September 1st comes quick. You pack up everything for the school year in your trunk and drag it downstairs to the car. "Ginny! Hurry it up in there will ya?!" You pass Ron pounding on the bathroom door. 

"You have to give me time! I am a woman! Sometimes we take a while because of certain things!" Ginny yells back. You laugh as you pass by. "She's right Ron. Gonna have to get used to it." 

Fred meets you at the top of the stairs with his trunk. "Race you!" You yell and hop onto the top of your trunk and slide down the stairs into the kitchen. "Y/n! The bloody hell are you doing?" Harry yells. 

You start laughing your ass off as Fred slides in and into George making them topple over each other. "Oh my Merlin! That was hilarious! Sorry Harry, didn't mean to scare you." You say as you get up to drag your trunk outside with Fred right behind you. "Ready to start 4th year y/n?" Fred asks helping you put your trunk into the car. 

"Most definitely. I can't wait to see what Hogsmeade looks like. Since I didn't get to go last year because some one thought it would be funny to rip my permission slip." You glare at him.

You get to Kings Cross Station and carry our trunks into the station. "Come on! Come on! I know we have 10 minutes still but we have to get everything for your children!" Molly yells as she ushers everyone into the station.

You, Fred, and George run through the barrier first. When you get through you move to the side quickly. You stare up at the train and just stand there. "Are you alright darling?" Fred asks putting a hand on your shoulder

You slowly look up and smile at him. "Yeah, just worried. I know that we have been attending Hogwarts for 3 years but I still get a nervous feeling every time I run through." You say looking back at the train. 

"I get worried too y/n. But we both know that Hogwarts is the safest place for everyone. Hogwarts is our home." Fred says. He grabs your hand and you both walk to the back of the train.

You both hurry up to get both of your trunks onto the train and find an empty cart. Eventually you and Fred find an empty cart at the end of the train. You sit down across from Fred. You look out the window as the trains starts to move.  

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