Chapter 32

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You drag your trunk down to the Great Hall and sit down next to Fred. "Morning love." He says and kisses you. "Morning Freddie." You yawn. "Not enough sleep?" He asks. "Not really. Kept thinking about going home today." You say and steal a bite of his eggs.

"There's nothing to worry about darling." Fred says. You sigh and look up at him. "I just keep thinking about what Dumbledore told me. I don't want Voldemort to come to the Burrow." You say. Fred wraps his arm around you and brings you close. 

"He won't. Mum put a spell on our land so Muggles don't find our house and Voldemort won't either." He says. You lay your head on his shoulder. "But what if he wants to talk to me? He must know by now that I know what happened." You feel tears start to come down your face. Fred let's go of you and wipes them off. "If he does want to talk to you, then you have to be brave. He won't find the Burrow. I promise darling." He says calmly.

You nod and look up at where the teachers are sitting. Dumbledore looks at you and raises his hand indicating you to come up to him. You stand up and walk towards him. "I sense something is troubling you Y/n." He says putting his drink down. "There is sir. I've been thinking a lot about the information that you've given me about Tom and my parents. I'm scared that he might want to talk to me and I don't want him finding me at the Burrow. I don't want the Weasleys to get hurt sir." You say.

Dumbledore smiles slowly at you. "Ah yes, I figured that was what is troubling you. I can assure you that he won't find you at the Weasley's. No on knows where he is or what he is doing." He says. You nod and go back to your seat next to Fred.

You get onto the train and sit in an empty compartment. You kinda lost Fred in the crowd so you just decided to get on the train. You bring your knees up to your chest and look out the window. The train starts to move and no one has came into your compartment. "Whatever." You say and close the door.

You sit back down and look out the window again. You start to think about Voldemort again and cry. "Why does my life suck so much. Parents dead, Voldemort my Godfather, I don't even know where my boyfriend is." You laugh a bit. For the whole train ride, you sit alone looking out the window. 

You finally get to King's Cross and grab your bag from the shelf and quickly get off the train to get onto the platform. You walk to the end of the train to get your trunk. On your way you see Fred running towards you. "Where were you? I couldn't find you anywhere." He says and hugs you. "I lost you in crowd and just decided to get onto the train and find an empty compartment and wait for you but.." You stop and look at him. 

"You didn't come so I just looked out the window the whole time. No one else came in." You say. Fred gives you a sad look then kisses your forehead. "I'm sorry love. I tried to find you." He says and grabs your hand, dragging you to get your trunks. "It's really fine Fred." You whisper and grab your trunk. You walk away and try to find Mrs. Weasley. 

As you're walking you see a dark figure in the distance. "That's weird." You say and start walking towards it. You get closer and realize who it looks like. "V-Voldemort?" You whisper. He smiles crookedly at you. You look around and everyone is just minding their business. You look back at him but he's gone. "Y/n! There you are!" Molly comes running up to you.

She hugs you and you quickly hug her back. "I missed you so much Molly." You say. "Aw dear, so did I. Anddddd, Fred told me you two are a couple!" She shouts happily. You smile and nod. Fred comes over and wraps his arm around your waist. "Sorry, I just had to tell her, I've always talked about you to her." He laughs. 

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