Chapter 19

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You and George walk into the Great Hall and sit down next to Ron. "Um Y/n, I think you should go the Hospital Wing." Ron says pointing down towards your hands. "I'll go after dinner." You say. "How did that even happen?" Hermione asks  and grabs your hand examining it. "Angelina happened. I fucked her stupid face up." You say calmly.

"And it was amazing!" George buds in. You nudge your elbow into his side. Fred walks in and sits next to you. You don't care and continue to walk to George and the trio. "Alright, my knuckles are hurting really bad. I'm gonna go to Madam Pomfrey." You say and start to get up and walk. "I'll come with you." George says. You turn and wait for him. 

Fred stops him and whispers something into his ear, then hands him a note. George catches up to you and you two start walking to the Hospital Wing. "Who's that note for that Fred gave you? Angelina?" You ask looking at the ground. There's a bit of silence before he talks. 

"Um, no it's actually for you. But I have to wait till we get to the Hospital Wing." He says. You nod and walk into the wing. "What is it that you need dear?" She asks. You lift up your bloody hand. "Oh my! Let's get you cleaned up and then I'll wrap it." 


You and George walk out of the Hospital Wing. George hands you the note and then runs off using one of the secret passages. "Thanks for talking." You laugh a bit. You look down at the note and open it. 

Dear Y/n, 

I know I messed up and saying I'm sorry won't make everything go back to the way it was. You're the girl I fell in love with. I know I messed up with kissing Angelina. I swear I can make it up to you. Please meet me at the Quidditch Pitch at 11 pm. I asked Harry if you could use his Invisibility Cloak.


You sigh and stuff the note into your pocket. You walk into the common room. No one looks you way when you enter. You set your stuff down on the couch and pull your book out and start reading. 

"Hi Y/n, you're reading too?" You look up to see Hermione standing there. "It's the only thing that clears my head." You smile. She sits down next to you. "I heard what happened in the hall today, with Fred." She says glancing at you.

"I don't want to talk about it right now." You whisper. She nods and starts reading her book. After some time, people start heading to bed. You look at the time and see it's 10:28. You sigh and close your book, standing up. You head up to Harry's dorm and knock. He opens the door and hands you his cloak. 

You say thank you and put it on. You get to the Quidditch Pitch and see Fred standing in the middle. You take Harry's cloak off and walk up to Fred. "Why did you ask me here tonight?" You ask. Fred jumps a bit and turns around. 

"Y/n..." He whispers. You put your hand up before he says anything else. "Fred, I'm really mad at you for what you did It will take me a long time to forgive you." You say. He looks down at the ground. "I know, but can we at least be friends again?" He asks. You sigh. "I'll think about it." You say and walk away. 

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