Chapter 36

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You get back to the Burrow and go upstairs to your room to put your books into your trunk. Fred follows and lays down on your bed. You put your books into your trunk then lay down next to him. "You know, you're so beautiful. The most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on." He says smiling. You blush and smile. You lay your head on his chest and wrap your arms and legs around him.

"Now you're stuck with me forever!" You say smiling up at him. "Fine with me, I want to be with my favorite girl forever." He says kissing you. "Do you really want to be with my forever?" You question. He smiles and nods. You blush and start smiling again. "I love seeing you smile princess." He says. You sit up and grab your camera. "Smile Freddie!" You laugh.

He smiles and you take a picture of him. "Aw, you look so cute." You giggle and show him the picture. Fred snatches the camera away and quickly take a picture of you. "Freddddd! I wasn't ready." You whine getting off of him and facing away. "Are you really gonna pout right now?" Fred laughs. You ignore him and continue facing away from him. 

"But you look gorgeous in this picture." He says and crawls over to you. You look at the picture and see how happy you are. You face him again and look at the picture. You get off your bed and grab a box on a shelf. You open it and take a bunch of pictures. "Whatcha doing?" Fred asks. You finally find it and show Fred. "This is a picture I took a couple of months ago to see my progress in happiness. I know sounds dumb." You say. 

You grab the other photo and put it up next to the other one. "Look at them. I-I look happier in the one you just took." You smile. You look up at him and start crying. "Oh baby why are you crying?" He asks and cups your face. "I-I've just never been this happy with someone Freddie. You made me happier." You say. Fred wipes your tears and kisses you. "I'm glad I can make you happier princess." He says. 

You look back and forth at the pictures. Seeing every different detail on your face on the one recently taken. You smile and put them both back into the box. You climb onto your bed and grab the camera. You sit on Fred's lap and aim the camera at you two. "Smile again. I want a picture of us." You say. Fred smiles but then kisses your cheek right when you take the picture. 

"That's definitely going to be a cute on, I can tell you blushed when I did that." Fred laughs. "Shut itttt." You say laughing. You put the pictures into the box and get into bed again. You sit on Fred's lap again and look down at him. He puts his hands on your thighs and smirks at you. You give him a confused look then he flips you over so you're under him. "How you doing down there?" He laughs.

You wrap your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. "Pretty good how about you." You say. He kisses your lips then starts kissing your neck. You feel his tongue lick your neck. "Freddie!" You gasp and slap the back of his head. "Whattt? You like when I do that." He says. You blush and smack his head again. He laughs and goes back to kissing your neck. 

"Am I interrupting something?" You and Fred both turn your head to see Ron standing there. "Uh, nope not at all Ronnikins." Fred says. Ron crosses his arms and lifts an eyebrow. "Sure, anyways. Mum needs you both downstairs to help her with something." Ron walks away leaving your door open. "We'll continue this later." Fred says and boops your nose. You guys get up and go down stairs to see Molly with two boxes. 

"Oh great! Here you both go." Molly hands you and Fred two small boxes. "When we were in Diagon Alley earlier, I saw these and thought you two would like them since you're dating." Molly beams.   

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