Chapter 68

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Harry found out the first was dragons. He told you and the other Champions. You're sitting on a bench most likely having a panic attack. You stand up and start pacing. You turn and see Hermione jump out and hug Harry. Rita Skeeter has her camera guy try and take a picture but you grab the camera. "Oh leave them alone. They don't like each other like that." You say. "You aren't supposed to be here. Champions and friends only." Krum says. Rita smiles at him and walks away. "How are we all doing Champions?" Dumbledore walks in with Mr. Crouch. 

"What are you doing here Miss. Granger?" He asks. "Oh um..sorry I'll go." Hermione leaves and Crouch takes a bag out. "Champions around me." He asks. You all stand in a circle around him. You each pull out a tiny dragon. "Miss Y/l/n, you'll be going first at the sound of the can-." Filch sets the cannon off before he finishes. You grab your wand and slowly walk out of the tent. Everyone around starts cheering. You smile and wave nervously up at Fred. You look around and spot the Golden Egg. 

You start walking towards it before the dragon almost crushes you. You jump out of the way just in time and hide behind a rock. You poke your head out and point your wand at it. "Impedimenta!" You shout. The dragon slows down while it comes towards you. "Accio Firebolt!" You shout. The dragon breathes fire towards the rock you're at. You see your broom coming towards you. You stand on top of the rock. You jump onto your broom and fly around the dragon. 

"Incarcerous!" You point your wand and ropes start to tie around the dragon. It fall and you fly down and grab the Golden Egg before the dragon untangles itself. "Y/l/n has managed to grab the Golden Egg. She will be moving on to the second task. Our next Champion, Cedric Diggory!" Everyone cheers for you and then Cedric. You exit from the other side of the ring. Once you leave, someone picks you up and spins you around. "You did amazing princess." Fred says. He kisses you and sets your down. "I go burned a bit on my arm thought." You say. 

Fred takes you to Madam Pomfrey an she treats your burns. "You looked incredibly amazing on your broom and casting spells at that dragon." Fred says. You roll your eyes. "Oh whatever, Harry had a more impressive preformance. His dragon pulled the chains off and flew after him!" You exclaim. You both head to the Great Hall for lunch. "We should have a Quidditch game tonight." You suggest. George nods. "I can go talk to the captains." You stand up and walk over to Cedric.

"How about a game tonight? Haven't had one yet this year. Take a load off from the tournament?" You sit down next to him. "I've been waiting for you to say that." He smiles. You fist bump and you walk over to Roger. "Quidditch game tonight? Tell Beauxbatons about the game and see if they're interested, I've heard they don't have Quidditch over there." You whisper to him. "I'll tell everyone." He smiles. You give him a thumbs up and walk over to the Slytherin table. Flint said that he made some other Sixth Year named Asher Payne. 

You tap Draco on the shoulder and he turns around. "Hey Y/n." He says. "Hey Draco, can you show me who Asher Payne is? Flint say that is your new Quidditch Captain. Gotta ask him if he wants to have a game tonight." You whisper the last part. "Hell yeah, I'd be down for it. Asher is over there, bright purple hair." He points down the table. You thank him and walk over to Asher. You sit down across from him and stick your hand out. "Don't know if you know me but I'm-" "Y/f/n Y/l/n, I know who you are. The best Chaser in the whole school." He smiles. You take your hand back and smiles as well. 

"Quidditch game tonight? Everyone else is on board. Davies is gonna talk to the Beauxbatons girls to see if they want to come. You can talk to Durmstrang, see if they want to come too. Tell them their headmaster isn't allowed to know." You wink and walk back to your table. 

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