Chapter 38

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"Whatever, you guys suck! I'm taking all the Galleons." Fred says. He leans over to Hermione's side to grab the Galleons. You slap the back of his head and he falls back in his chair. "Ouch! What was that for babe?" He says rubbing his head. "You can't do that. That's not how the game works Freddie." You say. "Alright I can't do this anymore. You all keep fighting." Ron says standing up. "You just told me to shut the fuck up after stealing your last railroad Ronald! You were in the pack as well!" Ginny yells. 

She stands up and flips the board. All of it flying everywhere. "Reminds me of Dudley." Harry laughs. Ginny slaps the back of his head and goes up stairs. "Um ouch!" He yells at her. You laugh and start picking up the pieces.


"Ron! You forgot Scabbers again!" You yell pointing at Molly. Ron quickly runs off the train and grabs him. "Sorry mum!" He yells and gets back on to the train. You and Fred find an empty compartment and sit. "I love you." Fred says unexpectedly. "I love you too." You smile. "Can I sit in here with you?" You turn to see a girl with black hair standing at the door. "Of course." You say.

She smiles and sits across from you and Fred. "I'm Phoebe. Phoebe Garcia. I'm a fifth year." She says while looking at Fred. "I'm Fred Weasley. This is my girlfriend Y/f/n Y/l/n." He says smiling down at you. You smile nervously at them both. Phoebe frowns at the word "girlfriend" but then smiles again once Fred looks back at her. "Aw! You two are such a cute couple. Better make sure I don't steal him from you." She laughs. 

Fred laughs along with her and you just smile. "I'm just kidding. I wouldn't do that." She smirks at you. You nod and look out the window. "Freddie! Y/n! I have some Puking Pastilles I wanna put in Ron's Pumpkin Juice when we get to Hogwarts! Wanna be apart of it?" George runs in and asks. "Uh duh!" You and Fred say in unison. George smiles and runs out. 

"What house are you in?" Fred asks. "Slytherin, but I'm not an asshole like the others." She smiles. You cross your arms and start bouncing your leg from anxiety. Phoebe smirks and crosses her legs. "Phoebe! We found you!" Someone opens the door. "And sitting with Gryffindors." They say. Phoebe stands up. "I couldn't find you guys and these two were nice enough to let me sit with them." She says. 

Her friends nod and grab her hand. "Nice meeting you." She says and winks at Fred. The doors shut and you move across Fred. "Hey why'd you move?" Fred asks looking concerned. "I don't like that girl. She was flirting with you." Your leg start to bounce again. Fred notices and sits next to you again. "Princess, I'm not going to ever be with her. I'm with you. I'll never leave you I promise." He says and puts his hand on your thigh to make your leg stop bouncing. 

You look away from him until he grabs your chin and makes you look at him. "You can't be mad at me." He says. "I'm not. I'm mad at her." You say. Fred kisses you and lays his head on your lap. The rest of the train ride you play with Fred's hair as he sleeps. The trains stops and you look out the window to see Hogwarts, your home. "Freddie, we're at school. Get up." You lightly shake him. He groans and open his eyes. "I get so happy when I wake up and get to see your beautiful face." He says. 

You blush and kiss him. "Come on love birds." You jump and see George laughing at Fred who fell. "Don't be rude to your brother." You say. George laughs even more and helps Fred up. They start pushing each other around so you get up and stand between them. "Boys! Cut it out! George go get your stuff!" You yell. George gives you a terrified look then leaves. 

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