Chapter 97

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The beginning of Jul, Moody came to the Burrow and told us that Voldemort and his Death Eaters are coming for Harry soon. "Tomorrow night we are going to collect Harry. All of you are coming." Moody says. "The res of the Order are coming as well. Polyjuice Potion. That's that we're going to do. All of you turn into Harry. Make it harder for them to find the real one." He laughs. The door opens and everyone turns to see Hermione, Bill and Fleur. "Bill!" You yell. You run over to him and hug him. "I've missed you!" You say smiling. "I've missed you too Y/n. Mum owled us." He says. You and Fleur hug. "Hermione what are you doing here?" You ask hugging her. "Ron owled me about what's going to happen." She says. You nod and everyone walks into the kitchen. 

The next day you all got ready to go to Privet Drive. "Should we go back to the joke shop and put something on the door?" Fred asks. "No, it'll be fine. We're taking a family day. We'll open back up tomorrow." You say. You grab your wand and stuff it into your pocket. You're about to walk out of your room but Fred pulls you back in and closes the door. "Yes Fred?" You turn to him. He hugs you tightly. You hug him back and he pulls away. "I'm just scared. For what's about to happen tonight. What if something happens to you?" He asks. 

Tears start to fall down his face. You wipe his tears with your thumbs. "Freddie, I'll be okay. I'm tough. I survived a dragon and mer things and a maze for merlin's sake haha. Everyone is going to be okay." You say. He nods and you kiss him. You both head downstairs where everyone else is. "Alright. We'll be traveling by brooms." Moody says. Everyone walks outside and Hagrid is standing there. "Hi Hagrid!" You say happily and hug him. "'Ello Y/n! Nice ter see yeh!" He smiles. 

"Ginny you can't go!" Molly yells. "But I need to! I need to be there for Harry! Ginny yells back and tries to twist out of Molly's grasp. You go over to Ginny and grab her hands. "Gin, you're not seventeen yet. You have to stay here with mum. We will bring Harry here in perfect condition." You say. She nods and hugs you. You go back over to your broom and mount it. 

You get to Privet Drive and Hagrid knocks on the door. Everyone waits for Harry to open it. Once he does, he has his wand out. Hermione and Ron run in and hug him. You all file into his house. "Hi Harry." You say and hug him. "We don't have time. Come on now." Moody says and walks to the front. He pulls out a flask and smirks. "You know what this stuff is don't ya Harry?" He laughs. 

Everyone smiles and looks at Harry. "What? No, I'm not having everyone risking their lives for me." He says. "Told you he'd take it well." Hermione sighs. "Well none of us really fancy it mate." Fred says. "Yeah! Imagine if something went wrong and we were stuck as scrawny, specky gits forever." George laughs. Moody rolls his eyes. "Everyone here's of age, Potter, and they've all agreed to take the risk." He says. He look at Hermione and she rips a strand of hair from Harry's head. "Blimey Hermione!" He says. 

She drops it in and Moody shakes. "For those of you who haven't taken Polyjuice Potion before, fair warning. It tastes like goblin piss." Moody says and hands it to Fred. "Have a lot of experience with that, do you Mad-Eye." He says smiling. No one says anything. "Just trying to defuse the tension." He sighs and takes a swig. He hands it off to George then it's you. One by one, everyone takes a drink of it and starts to change into Harry.

You laugh as George and Fred get shorter. You grow a bit taller and everything changes. Everyone gets done morphing into Harry, while George and Fred look at each other smiling. "Wow! We're identical!" They giggle. "Not yet you aren't." Moody says and drops a bag of clothes onto the floor. "Get changed and we'll leave." He says. You start getting undressed and change into the same clothes as everyone else. "Harry, your eyesight really is awful." Hermione says while putting glasses on. 

"All changed and seeing properly?" Moody asks. You all say yes. "Where's the real Potter?" He asks. You and Harry both stick up your hands. You start laughing and Fred laughs with you. "I'm the real one." Harry says. "No I am!" George yells. "No I am!" You yell at George. "Harry, you'll be riding with Hagrid." Moody says and walks outside. You and Fred get onto a broom together, you in the front. "I'll show you how to really fly a broom and fire spells." You say to Fred and start stretching your arms. 

Fred laughs and holds onto your waist. You take your wand out and grab the handle. "On the count of three! One!...Two!....Three!" Moody yells. Hagrid starts his motorbike and flies forward. One by one you all get into the air. 

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