Chapter 79

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We're skipping to the beginning of Seventh Year

Seventh Year, last year at Hogwarts. George and Fred have been talking about starting their own joke shop all summer and want you to join them on their journey. You agreed that you'd work with them. 

You get off the train with George and Fred. "I can't believe this is our last year here." George says. "Me too. There years have flown by." You laugh. Fred grabs your hand and starts swinging it back and forth. "Such a child." You roll your eyes and smile. You're about to get onto one of the carriages but stop. You walk to the front of it and look at what creature is pulling it. "What's this creature?" You ask. You put your hand up to it and the creature pushes it's head up to your hand. "What do you mean Y/n? Nothing pulls the carriages, it's always been magic." George says. 

You continue petting it until Luna comes up to you. "You're not going insane. You're just as sane as I am. I see them too." Luna pets the creature. "What are they?" You ask turning to her. "Thesterals. People who have witnessed death can see them." She says. You look over at George and Fred who are giving you weird looks. "Harry can see them too. I'm about to go sit with them on the last carriage. Bye Y/n." She says and skips away.

You climb onto the carriage and sit next to Fred. It takes you all the way up to the castle like always. You sit at the Gryffindor table and rest your head on your hand. "Welcome back to another year at Hogwarts. Some of you it's your first time here, others it will be your last. I would like to welcome you new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Dolores Umbridge." Dumbledore points to a plump woman wearing all pink. 

Everyone claps as she stands. "Thank you Headmaster. Now, how are we all doing tonight?" Umbridge walks to the front. She goes on talking about the Ministry and other stupid stuff. "Hopefully we can all be friends." She smiles. "Yeah right." You say to Fred. Umbridge sits back down while Dumbledore gives her a weird look. "Anyways, enough talking. Enjoy the feast." Dumbledore smiles. Food appears on the tables and you start eating. "I'm already thinking of a prank to pull on Umbridge." George says. "Yes please tell us about it. I already hate her." You groan. You look up at her eating. McGonagall and Snape keep looking at her in disgust. "I haven't come up with the whole plan yet. I'll tell you two tomorrow after classes." George says. 

You walk into the common room and some people stop talking to look at you. Harry walks in and everyone else stops talking. "What are you lot on about?" You ask. Everyone looks at Seamus. "Me mam didn't want me coming back to Hogwarts this year." Seamus says. "Why's that?" You raise an eyebrow. He hesitates. "Because of you two." He says looking between you and Harry. "What the bloody hell did we do?" You say walking up to him. 

"She....thinks that you two are.....lying about the whole You-Know-Who situation." He says. He picks up a copy of the Daily Prophet and hands it to. "Harry Potter and Y/f/n Y/l/n: Boy and Girl Hero Lies to Seek Attention." You read aloud. You scoff. "And she believes this rubbish?" You throw the copy over to Harry. "Well, yeah." Seamus mutters. You roll your eyes. "Believe what you want, I don't give a damn anymore." You say and leave the common room. 

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