Chapter 30

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"Bloody hell! Harry Potter has caught the Snitch! One hundred and fifty points to Gryffindor! Gryffindor wins!" Lee screams. You fly over to the rest of the team and high five everyone. "Well done Harry!" Oliver yells. The stands erupts into cheering once again and run out to the Pitch. You all lower to the ground and everyone surrounds you guys.

People start lifting up everyone one of you chanting "Well done Gryffindor!" You look over at Fred who's smiling like crazy. He looks over at you and blows a kiss. You blush and continue laughing and smiling. After a while everyone puts you guys down and you head to the down to the locker room. 

You take a nice shower there cause you can't stand the smell of you right now. You change into some ripped black jeans, converse, a red shirt and Fred's hoodie. The whole house is waiting for you once you get out. "Party in the Gryffindor common room!" George yells. They all run back up to the castle while you and Fred stay behind.

"You did amazing today princess. I couldn't stop staring at you being so beautiful." He says kissing you. "Oh hush, I looked horrid with my hair all wonky. You did amazing too bub. To be honest, you looked kinda hot saving me from that Bludger." You whisper. He smirks and throws you over his shoulder.

"I've just accepted this all together." You laugh. Fred carries you up to the painting. "There you two are! They are having a party!" The Fat Lady says. You smile at her and say the password. Once you walk in, someone grabs your hand. It's Ginny. You start dancing with her to the music. "You did amazing today Y/n! I want to join the Quidditch team and be just like you!" She yells.

"We'll practice during the summer then!" You hug her and go to sit down at the couch. A Ravenclaw boy comes and sits next to you. He wraps his arm around your shoulder and smiles at you. "You looked pretty hot out there today." He winks. "Uh thanks, I have a boyfriend though." You say and stand up. 

He grabs your hand and pulls you back down. "Oh come on! Let's have a little fun. You just won against stupid Slytherin." He gets close to your ear. "I don't want to have a little fun with you! I have a boyfriend." You yell. You stand up and punch him in the face. You quickly walk away to find Fred. You find him and George selling their Weasley products. You walk over to him and tug the bottom of his shirt.

He turns and smiles at you. You grab his hand and drag him over to the Ravenclaw boy. "Boyfriend, right here. Now piss off. Get out of our common room." You tell him. He rolls his eyes and leaves. "What did he do?" Fred asks angrily. "He tried to do stuff with me and I told him I had a boyfriend. I'm literally wearing your hoodie with 'Weasley' on the back of it." You laugh. 

"Bloody hell. I'm gonna go kill him." He says. You step in front of him. "No, I don't want you going to Azkaban. I need you." You wrap your arms around his neck. "Yeah, that's true. I need your love, affection and kisses to be able to make it through the day." He smiles and picks you up. You wrap your legs around him and lay your head on the crook of his neck. 

"Darling, can you meet me at the Black Lake in an hour? I have something for you." Fred asks. You slide off of him and nods. He kisses you and runs away giggling. Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws start to clear out of the common room and the music has died down to nice smooth music like it usually is during the day and night when people are in here. You go up to your door to finish the last page of Charms home work you have to do. 

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