Chapter 98

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You lift up above the clouds and see Death Eaters flying after everyone. A flash of green flies past you. "Get your wand out if you haven't already Fred!" You yell and dive down to doge another green spark. A Death Eater is heading straight towards Harry and Hagrid. You fly over and point your wand at the Death Eater. They go flying back as Hagrid and Harry get away. "Fleur and Bill need help!" Fred yells and points to a bunch black mist flying around them. You lean towards them and Fred starts firing spells left and right. 

Something gets right next to you and points their wand at you. "Nice to see you again Harry!" Bellatrix laughs. She then looks at Fred who is also a copy of Harry and gets confused. You both smile and you barrel role over he while Fred points his wand at her. She goes flying down. You and Fred cast spells at all of the dark mists circling Bill and Fleur, A couple of them leaves the pack and chases after Hagrid and Harry. 

"The others are okay! We gotta help Harry!" You yell at Fred. You yank your broom to the left and chase after the mist, trying to slow them down. Something white flies next to you. "Hedwig!" Fred yells. You turn and see Hedwig soaring next to you. A Death Eater come from the right and shoots green sparks at Harry. Hedwig flies between them and she gets hit. You watch her body fall. Hagrid's bike starts falling towards the ground fast. You dive down and fire spells behind you. "It looks like Hagrid got hit with some sleeping spell." Fred says. 

You watch Harry lean over and steer the bike. They land on some high way and Death Eaters are on a broom right behind them. You and Fred fire at them but they dodge. You get up next to one of them and ram into their side. "Stupefy!" You yell and first on flies off. Fred throws something at the second one and fireworks pop out of it, making the Death Eater crash into a tree. "Nice Fred!" You laugh. You get next to Harry. "Is Hagrid alright?" You call over. He looks back at you with a scared look but Hagrid jolts awake. 

"Let's just get back to the Burrow." Fred says. You fly for a bit until black mist comes again. You look at it and see Voldemort's face. He takes his wand out and points it at Harry. "Expelliarmus!" You yell and flies away. He looks down trying to find it but runs into some wires. 

The four of you get back to the Burrow in one piece. Molly and Ginny come running out hugging all of you. "Has George got back yet?" Fred asks. Molly looks over at Arthur and Fred runs in. You quckly follow behind him. Fred is squatting down next to George on the couch. You go over and crouch down as well. "How you you feeling Georgie?" Fred asks and grabs his hand. "Saint-like." George smiles. Fred gives him a puzzled look. "Come again?" He says looking towards you. " see I'm holey. Holey Fred, get it?" George smiles more and laughs a bit.

Fred laughs and shakes his head. "With the whole wide world of ear-related humor at your disposal, you go for I'm holey? Pathetic." He whispers. George squeezes his hand. "Reckon I'm still better looking than you. Better looking than Bill, that's for sure." You laugh a bit at that one. Bill and Fleur walk in not smiling. "Mad-Eye's dead." Bill says. Hagrid starts talking and goes on how about he would give his life for anyone in this room. Everyone just smiles and he stops talking. 

"Wha's so funny?" He asks. "I trust you with my life Hagrid. I trust everyone in this room. Understood?" Harry says looking around at everyone. "Understood. Lupin smiles. "'Ear, 'ear." George says and raises his hand Fred nods in approval. "That's better." He says. You slap his shoulder and look at George. "I think the 'I'm holey' was funny Georgie. You brother is just a bit loopy from our broom ride here." You say. You hug George and kiss his head. "Hey! Why don't I get that?" Fred whines. 

You look over at him. "Last time I checked, you're not the one who doesn't have an ear anymore." You say. "Let's all just go to bed. We have to get everything for Bill and Fleur's wedding in a few days." Molly says. 

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