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After a while of sitting around, I listened to some music on my ipod. It wasn't really something specivic, just a playlist on shuffle. I remembered I already took a shower in the morning which seamed like days ago. I could take another soon if I wanted to, it wasn't like I had to save warm water, but I just felt too lazy anyway. I will just go to bed. Yes. That was what I will do. Prepare to go to sleep and then do it.

I went to the sink and started brushing my teeth. I realised there was something laying next to the cell door. It probably got there when I took a nap earlier and didn't noticed it till now. A little bag with something in it. I got a similar bag on the first day with my toothbrush and paste in it. Could this be something like that? After I finished cleaning my teeth I washed my face and dryed it with a towel. I got to the cell door and carefully picked up the little bag. Opening it I saw a creme, a lotion and a lip balm. So they finally realised I could possible need that? Damn, men can be so egoistic and selfish. I would think of that the first day in the beginning.

I put the three things out of the bag to take a closer look at them. Yes. A face care creme, a face cleaning lotion and a light pink lip balm. Nice. But this was late. Better late then never I guessed. I sighed and got back to the sink. Now I really missed a mirror above the sink. What about the mirror pieces puzzle? Could I use that? I remembered my cracked lips when I looked into my brocken reflection the last time. My lips really needed some care and my skin on my face was so dry, I didn't wanted to know how I looked like. That was really necessary. I missed these skin care products. I wished I could just use our bathroom at home.

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