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I also thought about my friends. They were always there to cheer me up and helped when I needed it. One of them always had time when I wanted to hang out. I remembered all the fun parties I was at, in the clubs, bars, discos or at their house. I remembered the high school balls in spring and winter, the summer and halloween parties. Or the carnival where I was on the streets with friends and thousands of people. I missed that. I remembered the pranks we played on teathers on april fools day or making each other gifts before and around christmas.

I sighed. I wanted out of here. I wanted the hell out. I punshed my pillow and screamed as loud as I could. But then I stopped. I didn't wanted to ruin my voice by screaming. I laid down and stared at the ceiling. Closing my eyes I fell asleep after a while. I woke up at 5 pm again and dreamed of nothing. Slowly I stood up and took my notepad. I looked at my colored pencils and I thought about drawing. I drew an angel warrior with red and green clothes, a magic stuff and an armor. It looked cool. I was satisfied.

It was nearly 6 pm and time for dinner. I wondered what I will get this time. I listened for the footsteps and heard them right after expecting them. The person was always on point. I watched it unlocking the door and putting the food down. "Thanks", I said when it left. It was the first time I really thanked it. Most time I was just sad and angry that I even was in this cell. It still wasn't okay but I had to deal with it. I accepted it. I accepted the challenge.

Kidnapped by Fall Out BoyWhere stories live. Discover now