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It was about 3 pm and I made up my mind, I will try to escape after breakfast tomorrow. Today wasn't enough time. The door will open at 6 pm for dinner and that was it. I didn't wanted to spend a whole night outside if I maybe couldn't get back. The boy could just leave and let the door open though but I didn't really wanted to trust him. I didn't know him enough and if he betrayed me, that was it.

I remembered how cold the cave was and how hard the stone ground. No more. Tomorrow it will be then. But I will have to wake up before breakfast, before 7 am. Well, I could do that. I will just go to bed early because I will be bored anyway. What else did I got to do in this lonely cell?

I leaned back on the purple sofa and wondered what I will do now. I had listened to music before, I drew, I already took a shower, what else could I do? Exercises? I wasn't in the mood for sports.

Sighing I stood up. I got to do something. Slowly I went around in my cell and stopped at the puzzles laying on the ground. Slowly I kneeled down to take a closer look at them.

There were still a few pieces missing. I never got the chance to finish them because I never got the last pieces.

I sighed. But I saw the image of the puzzles though. Fall Out Boy in different clothing. No map of the cave or a plan to escape. Not that I actually expected or hoped that. I knew it wasn't like that. I had to do it myself. Find an own way. And I will.

Sighing again I looked at the mirror. Surprisingly I thought I looked a little better. My skin looked kinda okay, the skin care cream seemed to help. My lips didn't looked as dry and cracked as before, so the lip balm I got recently did too.

Kidnapped by Fall Out BoyWhere stories live. Discover now