The Cell

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I still stared up at the spot were Pete, Patrick, Joe and Andy stood and looked at me from above and I didn't move yet. I sat on the cold ground right where I got thrown into this cell and haven't even looked around.

So I finally but slowly stood up and my eyes searched the cave. It was really a mix of cave and cell because at one side were metal rods with the door and the other three walls were black stone like from a cave. The ceiling were metal rods too, where Fall Out Boy was. At the end of the cell was a little bed and a gray sink at the side of the cave wall. The bed looked  uncomfortable and the sink a little dirty. But I guessed I will have to live with that now.

I got to the sink and turned on the water to try and drink it because I suddenly got thirsty. It was clean and tasted good. Then I dryed my hands on my jeans and sat on the bed. It squeaked a bit and I thought what I should do now.

What did they even want with me? I'm not even special or something. I couldn't really sing very good, couldn't write songs just stupid poems and my piano skills weren't very good eighter.

I learned piano when I was a kid but I didn't really liked it back then. My piano teacher was rude and unfriendly but I was actually glad now that I could play piano a little. My mum said I was actually pretty good but I didn't really believe her. I'm still her daughter. After everything I'm probably pretty good at anything, like she would say.

Also my dad taught me how to play guitar and I really liked it. But my parents didn't allow me to learn to play drums. I liked drums. The beat. The rhythm.

In school I actually had a crush on the drummer of our school band. He had blond hair and was really handsome. I remembered these old times and smiled.

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