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When I stood up again it was nearly 6 pm and I wasn't really hungry yet. No wonder after all that food I got for lunch. I looked around and saw the empty dishes, the pasta and the soup were gone. Did I fall asleep at the sofa? I didn't remember. Whatever. I didn't needed them anymore anyway. I also realised there were some more puzzle pieces near the cell door. Seven pieces.

I kneeled down to look at them. A brown, a black one, two white ones, a yellow, a blue one and an orange one. Strange. How should they fit together with the others? I put them aside with the ones I already had and tried if some fit together. I got two more matches but still a lot to go. It's a bigger puzzle then I thought. The picture wouldn't be so small at all. But maybe there were more then one puzzle? Two pictures? I didn't know.

I sat on my bed thinking about my family and friends. I missed them. When will I see them again? I hoped they were okay without me. I wondered if they worried about me. I listened to some more music and wrote down what happend today in my list on my notepad. "Day 10: a match, day 11: new bigger cell with shower and sofa", I wrote down.

I read through my poems and remembered I wanted to write a song or mix a poem up so it became a song. I got through them again and desided on one that wasn't that shitty as the others. I added some more lines, built a chorus and thought about a melody. It took me a while working on it. When I was finished or more like about to give up, it was okay. I was kinda satisfied and wanted to try it on the guitar. When I started to sing my voice sounded so strange and awkward with this new lyrics I wrote myself. I needed a few trys to sound confident enough.

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