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After I was finished with eating the pasta, I ate my dessert till I was full. Man, I was so full and felt tired. I leaned back against the sofa and closed my eyes like before again. Just a few seconds. I just needed a rest.

Of course I actually fell asleep and woke up like an hour later. Damn, how could I fall asleep on the couch again, my back hurted. Why did I keep doing that again? I haven't learned my lesson yet, I guessed.

Carefully I rubbed my back and went right into bed. Just a little more sleep. I was so tired. How was I so tired? Zzz... I fell asleep again.

When I finally woke up, first I was confused where I was, because I didn't remember I did my "bathroom routinie" with brushing my teeth, washing my face and using skin care and lip balm. Not that I actually had a bathroom but, I mean, at least I got a sink.

Slowly I stood up and went to drink some water. Then I brushed my teeth and all. After I wanted back to bed but when I sat on it, I wasn't that tired anymore.

Great. What will I do now? What could I do instead?
I was in the mood to read, so I picked up my book from the sofa and started reading in bed. Of course I fell asleep again. Reading makes people tired and the bed I was in, didn't help.

When I woke up again, I was really sleepy but something told me I had to stand up. Something really important.

Was someone watching me? Was it morning already and my breakfast was waiting for me? Was my cell door open?

As I opened my eyes I realised it was none of the things I thought.

I was in my room and overslept for school. It was late. What was the time again?

Kidnapped by Fall Out BoyWhere stories live. Discover now