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I was confused because of the number but I couldn't really do anything about it now. If I screamed for Fall Out Boy they probably wouldn't answer like all the times before. They never did. Why would they now? Also I wouldn't ask such a stupid question about that pointless number. I would ask way more important things. Why was I here? When could I go home again? If I could ever... But I shouldn't give up hope. Never. I sighed. I listened to some music and stuck on an artist called Andy Black. He was good. I really liked his voice. My favorite song was "We don't have to dance". I played it on repeat. I loved this song.

After a while I stopped though. I had to do something else. It was nearly half past 2 pm and I haven't made a plan how to escape yet. I wanted to before but there was this number and I should have just ignored it. So I took my notepad on my lab and flicked thought till an empty page. A really empty page this time. I drew my cell and what I remembered when I was outside the one time the boy left the door open till I got hit down by something by someone. I still didn't know who it was but I couldn't figure it out anyway. I got over it and moved on. I just liked to remember how I thought Patrick was there after or maybe I just dreamed of him. That was nice. Made me feel a little more comfortable.

When I was finished drawing my map I planned different paths to go this time. Also I wanted to find the one spot, the boy once slipped thought the wall, again, if this really was the same cave I already was in like when I had the first cell. I still wasn't sure. I hoped it though. It would give me a little more security that I knew my suroundings better.

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