He Knew

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It was 4 pm and I hated it here. I knew it could be worse but I was sick of everything. I laid on the ground with my arms and legs spread and looked at the dark ceiling. I sighed. I didn't wanted to do anything. After another half an hour I slowly stood up and sat at the sofa just to hold my head with my hands and put my elbows on my knees to stare at the ground.

Damn it. I... I can't. I just... Can't. This was it. I'm done. I screamed. I was angry and sad. I ran around in my room till I started sweating. I joggled and jogged at the metal rods near the cell door and screamed as loud as I could. Let me the hell out of here! Let me go! I knew they could see me and hear me. They have been watching me since the beginning. They should wake up and listen to me. For once. But they never answer.

Slowly I realised how my voice started to hurt from all the screaming. I should stop. I didn't wanted to stop. I sighed. Sitting back at the sofa I thought about my friends and family. I wanted home. I felt tears running down my cheeks. I covered my face with my hands and cried heavily. I didn't want anymore. I was done. So freaking done. I cried for a while. Till I had no more tears. I ran out of tears to cry. I stared in front of me on the ground and wanted to cry again.

It took me some time to get more or less okay again. I took a shower then and it turned 6 pm. Time for dinner. I sat at the sofa with my notepad and a pen in my hands as the boy who brought me food came in. I looked at him as I was focused on drawing some colorful fish and corals in the ocean. He put down some dishes, looked at me with a worried face expression and left again. He didn't say anything but I thought he knew what happend. How I screamed and cried. He knew.

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