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It was 6 pm and I stayed quiet pressed against the wall waiting. I was in the spot again where I hoped I was hard to see. My breathing was heavy, my heartbeat fast, I was nervous but I was trying to calm down. Then there were footsteps coming closer. The time I waited for had come. Hopefully I will make it this time. I saw the person all covered in black with a bowl of dumplings with vanilla sauce in his hands outside the metal rods. It didn't see me. I watched the person unlocking the door and entering. It put the bowl with food down and I took my chance.

I ran over the person and it fell. I ran out of the cell and tried to come as far as I could. It was dark and there nearly was any light. Just a little sunshine from outside where I saw Fall Out Boy above me when I first woke up. I just ran. I didn't knew in what direction. I didn't knew if the person followed me. I didn't looked back. I just ran. It got darker and darker. I could hardly see. Then I got to a dead end. I turned around and there was noone. Noone followed me. The person must be still near the cell. I looked into the darkness.

Should I go back? Try to find another way out? As I thought, it really was a labyrinth. A chaos of different hallways, passages and corridors. Maybe there was an other way I could take. An other direction. Slowly I walked through the darkness of the aisle with the dead end on the other side in my back I left behind. I felt my fast heartbeat in my chest. It nearly hurted. I tried to stay silent. The only thing I heard were my footsteps and my breath.

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