The Game Of Survival

32 7 0

Author - -BluenGrey

Reviewer - kimvante_

Book - The Game of Survival.

Cover :: 3/10

To be honest I'm really confused if I should approve of this cover or not. The thing is that it has all aspects of the story in one picture but at the same time it looks unappealing. The picture of Namjoon pointing a finger gun at his head perfectly portrays the title while the edit of blood and the black background represents the entire plot; dark, gruesome, and mysterious. I suggest you shorten the size of the quote written on top and change your username on the cover with your current one. Try to lessen the effects on Namjoon's picture.

Title :: 5/5

The title is exactly pertinent to the story. It's the perfect title for this book. It matches the overall plot and is really attractive. It can immediately grab the attention of readers because it screams mystery and thriller. Keep it up!

Synopsis :: 10/10

Okay, so the synopsis is no doubt eye catching. It immediately intrigues the readers and forces them to indulge in the story to know how BTS will survive. You've stated simple and obvious facts without giving away too much information. You've perfectly portrayed what the initial base line of the story is without providing further clues and mysteries that would be unraveled while reading the book. In short, the synopsis can easily gain your reads.

Plot :: 23/30

In my opinion, the plot isn't very rare. I've read quite a few fics with similar baselines but I can see that the plotline is different. Not rare or unique but obviously different. Many fanfics match each other in some way but the only thing that differentiates your plot from theirs is how you present it.

Character :: 7/10

The characters in the story were obvious. Having all BTS members is expected and the main good thing is the additional new characters. I hoped that you had changed the personalities of the boys into something more unique and rare but they are somewhat portrayed just like how they are in real life. I couldn't see any character development as well, I hope to see more in the future as the story is still in its beginning phase.

Grammar :: 16/25

A story is only appealing to read when the writing style and grammar are perfect or at least readable, yours only had readable grammar. There were absolutely zero rich and complex words, all you used was basic English which can be a major turn off. There were also a few spelling mistakes detected but the absence of colons and semi-colons was a lot. You never place periods after a sentence gets over. The sentences were written very carelessly.

Writing style - 1/10

I'm so sorry but the writing style was very unattractive. It's like you didn't know how to structure a sentence and mainly HOW to place it. Firstly, as I've said above, there were absolutely zero periods placed after a sentence got over; even for the dialogues. Secondly, you didn't know what size your paragraphs should be, some were long somewhere short. Please decide what size and how many sentences you want in each para. The ideal size would be 5-6 sentences in each paragraph. And thirdly, please don't use capital words while one character is yelling at another. You can, for instance, place an exclamation mark at the end of the sentence of the person yelling. Eg: "YAH" no, this doesn't look good; go for "Yah!" See, much better.

Overall ::
Trust me, overall the story has a lot of potentials. The plot and characters and baseline; everything is so unique. I think you could've scored full marks if you consider the following points I mentioned above, especially for the writing style and cover. If you improve your writing style then believe me your story will skyrocket. The main thing that I liked about your story was the title and the plot. I would suggest this story to those who are interested in the genre of thriller and mystery with a sprinkle of horror. I hope my judging was fair enough. :)

Total :: 65/100

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