The Deaf Betrayal

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Author: MishraPavni

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Author: MishraPavni

Reviewer: SilencedSoul05


It's  really good to read your story & I loved it...
Let's see what I found out...

Cover : 8/10

The Cover was good and Aesthetically Good Looking... Loved the Dark BG but IG the Font used for Title could have been better...
Author's name can be repositioned too you know...
A different font color could have highlighted things but it's okay...
The Cover is interesting and attractive so I'll give it 8...

Title : 4/5

There was a nice decision made by Author to change the name from The Music to The Deaf Betrayal!
Sounds Unique and keeps us guessing so obviously it was a nice one & better one!

Synopsis : 7/10

The Cover and Title together is good...
It doesn't give away the whole plot before reader starts it but readers can relate to it...
This two together are Attractive too...
Just some suggestions for Cover is there...

Plot : 25/30

The Plot wasn't bad but it was a bit Rushed...
The story evolved really fast and the emotions took sudden changes...
But interesting enough to keep reading...
The chapters are short and relatable to each other...
A little bit more usage of Images could have helped maybe but it's not bad either to keep it clean...
The sudden twist in the last plot was unexpected but appreciated!
It was rushed though...
Jungkook didn't get the time and focus he needed there...
Readers can't feel the emotions as they can feel it when it comes to Tae and Cherry...
A little bit more explanation could have helped but the question mark it left was enjoyable...
I'll give it a Nice 25 out of 30...

Characters : 6/10

I know the Story was a bit rushed and there were a number of characters characters that's why detailing wasn't possible!
But when emotions and feelings are growing then we expect a little bit of details...
Like Charlotte was mad for Kookie and suddenly fell for Tae...
How did the mentality change so fast is a question to me...
And again afterwards Charlotte and Kookie were together...
Many questions arises which is actually good and I loved it...
But the storyline of IU was left in the Dark...
I'll give you 6/10

Grammar : 20/25

The Grammar wasn't big deal because there weren't a many Grammatical Mistakes but there were some typos...
'There' was used instead if 'Their' and few more like that which can be edited and be perfected...
I'm giving it 20...

Writing Skill : 7/10

You didn't use really heavy Vocabulary which is good for Readers and as it was based on the student life so words like LOLing and etc. went well with it...
The emotions the characters felt was a little bit hard to touch...
Expected something more emotional after Cherry became Deaf!
And the letter she wrote...
It could've been done better!
I'm giving a 7!

Overall :

The Plot was nice but lacked some detailing...
Timeline changes were done properly but characters' storyline wasn't clear always...
The flow wasn't smooth always but wasn't bad either...
Readers will like to read it and as a reader I'll definitely recommend it to others...
The typos should be rectified though...

Review Scores : 77/100

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