Mystic Silence

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Author : CaptainCork

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Author : CaptainCork

Reviewer : kimvante_


Cover - 5/10

The cover looks really overcrowded in my opinion. Sure, you would want to add in your achievement stickers but a appealing cover is what attracts a reader the most. I suggest you decrease the size of the winning stickers and place them below in a straight line. The font used is good.

Title - 5/5

The title is pertinent to the story. It matches the overall vibe of the story which is dark, mystery and fantasy. Though I would've preferred 'Mystic Forest' but this works fine too.

Synopsis - 10/10

The synopsis is pretty. It isn't too long nor too short. It gives the perfect amount of information needed to know what kind of story a reader is indulging themselves into.

Plot - 28/30

In my opinion, the plot is sort of unique. I'm actually a fan of dark themes specially mystery and fantasy. The plot literally reminded me of the kdrama 'Gumiho' (I hope that's the correct name lol). But you have added your own twist into it which is really amazing. I would recommend this story to anyone who loves the genre mystery and fantasy.

Character - 9/10

As usual, BTS members are used into the storyline which is not bad. I really loved how all the members have different roles except their personalities as they somewhat match to their real life one. I loved Taehyung's personality a lot to be honest.

Grammar - 24/25

A story is only appealing to read when the writing style and grammar are perfect or atleast readable. You had both which made the story look interesting to read without any interruptions and with a smooth flow. There were a few spelling mistakes detected as well as absence of colons and semi-colons.

Writing style - 9/10

The writing style was as same as how other books have so it was not a problem. The paragraphs weren't too short or too long either, just the perfect amount of lines. The main good thing about your writing were the descriptions and details provided about each and everything. The only thing which I found odd was about the Point of views. Like in the first chapter, the story starts with 3rd person POV but then at the ending Jinx turns from she to 1st person; I? The drastical change in just the first chapter was very confusing. I hope you look into it and change it.


Overall, the story is impressive. Though I think you can score full on 100 if you consider the following points I mentioned above, specially for the cover. The main thing that I loved about your story was the descriptive writing and your grammar which were on point. I hope my judging was fair enough.

Review Scores : 90/100

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