~ Chapter 1: Robo-Dyne Systems ~

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Y/N's face and body turned red and was literally on fire along with her front hair as she heard terrible news about Tommy who turned out to be a robot and her dad almost dying to save Sonic from him.


Everyone flinched at how angry she is, feeling scared. Sonic gulped and was brave enough to slowly tell her.

"It was Eggman..."

Y/N said nothing as her body cooled off much to their relief. She slowly turn to Sally who yelped and started sweating nervously.

"Where are we heading off to? Because he's going to regret the day he sees me!"


The Freedom Fighters are now in the cockpit of FFS-Mark 2.

"There it is, Ant." Sonic pointed ahead. "You fly low over the ruins and, hopefully, right below the radar."

"Sso zat iz ze island of Megaopoliss...?"

"Old Megapolis, Antoine." Sally said.

"Thas ra-ight, Sal." Bunnie said. "Accordin' to the map, new Megah-opolis stretches Northeast o' the island and ends at a huge Peninsula."

"Sonic, I'm starting to think it was a bad idea not to tell my dad." Sally said, feeling a little scared.

"No worries, Sally. I'll deal with him. I'm more of a convince person." Y/N assured her with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm surprised you even came along, Sal. Aren't you mad at for going on these missions? Besides, he'll tell us to wait. By then who knows where Tommy will be." Sonic said.

"I know... but Tommy is my childhood friend, too. For this secret mission to be a success, I need to be a part of it."

"No arguments there— it feels good to have the ol' Sal back coming up with strategic plans on the fly again."

They now made it to the old ruins of Megapolis.

"Look at the size of those things."

"No kidding, Rotor. Those buildings make Robotropolis look like Candyland."

"That it ain't, Sonic."

"Ain't ain't a word, Tails."

"I don't think they even look like Candyland. Do you see any lollipops, bro?"

"Um... no..."

"So Tails is right because that ain't it."

"Alright, ladies and gents, we're passin' old Megah-opolis and enterin' new Megah-opolis in... 3... 2... 1..."

"Antoine, head for that rooftop. It looks like the perfect place to land this thing." Sally said, pointing at it.

"Your weessh is my command."

They then landed on the rooftop.

"Okay, Nicole, show us the mission schematics... Now Sonic, Y/N, and I will take the lead. Rotor, you and Bunnie follow while Antoine and Tails stay on the ship for the quick getaway."

"Preencess?" Antoine questioned, glaring. "Tails can fly zis plane by himself. I should be there to protect you, non?"

This made Y/N find it suspicious to act like that. Normally, he would gladly stay since he can be scared of missions sometimes, but this so out of character for him. Plus, she noticed he had a scar under his left eye and wondered how he get it.

"Fine." Sally sighed.

Sonic wrapped his arm around Antoine's neck.

"I'm so not used to you volunteering for anything, Twain. You're like a brave, new hero not waiting to miss all the action."

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