~ Chapter 82: Have Fun, Eclipse! ~

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Sharad took a sip of the water bottle Bunnie had given him as they had finished practicing their singing voice. He had never known the water would be good enough for hydrate.

"Feeling better?" Bunnie asked.

"Yeah... Never knew singing so long would make your throat a little sore."

"Well, it takes practice to make sure your singing voice is perfect. You don't just use your mouth to sing. You need to sing through your throat and stomach."


"Let's take a break. We all deserve a break and I'm pretty sure Y/N is already giving them a break. We're going to do some games and other attractions those people had set up."

"Games?? Attractions?"

"Yeah, like playing basketball for example and you have to shoot it into the hoop and win the prize. You should try it. It'll be fun."


Sharad nodded and began to head off to everyone is indeed doing some activities as he looks around for any sign of his "wisps". He stopped to see Y/N and came over to her.

"Hey, Y/N. Have you seen my... wisps?"

"Oh, they're at Vanilla's house. I can take you there."

"That would be great."

Sharad and Y/N head off and he could see some Mobians laughing and smiling at one another. Seeing them happy makes him feel... something inside. He can't describe what it is, but it feels nice. He glances at Y/N to see her smiling fondly at the scenery around her. Before he knew it, they're now outside of Vanilla's house as Y/N knocked on the door. The door opened to reveal Vanilla as she smiles at them.

"Well, hello, Y/N! How's the rehearsal?"

"Doing great. Is Cream here?"

"Oh, yes! She's outside of the yard having picnic with her Chao and your friend's wisps."

"Can we see her? I was thinking of inviting to go join in the carnival to go play some games. We're having a break."

"That would be lovely! Oh, who's your new friend here?"

Vanilla glances at Sharad.

"I'm Sharad the Hedgehog." Sharad introduced himself.

"Hello! Nice to meet you!"

"You too, ma'am."

Vanilla faces Y/N.

"He's such a sweetheart."

"I wouldn't say that, but sure." Y/N joked, making Sharad playfully glare at her.

"Ha ha..."

"Come in, you two!"

Y/N and Sharad went inside through the living room to the door where it leads to the yard as they could see Cream, Chao, Wisps sitting on the blanket with cups, teapot and biscuits. Y/N opened the door and Cream and the others turned and smiled.

"Hi, Y/N! And Sharad!"

"I see you are getting along well with those wisps."

"Mhm! They sure love tea party! Even the biscuits! I taught them how to share, though."

"I'm sure you did." Y/N giggled.

"Would you like to join?"

"Actually, we were wondering if you and those cute guys to come to the carnival. There's going to be lots of games and prizes we gotta try."

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