~ Chapter 10: Darkest Storm ~

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Sonic, Y/N, and Kirby are at the Acorn Castle with Uncle Chuck as King Elias called them to come over for a very important reason.

"...So in light of your services to the kingdom, I would gladly return your Knighthood." Elias said to Sonic and turned to Y/N. "And Y/N, you have been the most daring and most helpful to everythig you have done. I am honored to call you as the greatest warrior to the kingdom."

"I am truly honored, Your Majesty." Y/N bowed.

"Pooteetah." Kirby said.

"I appreciate it, Elias... er, Your Majesty... But I don't need a title to keep me cool." Sonic said.

Uncle Chuck placed a hand on Sonic's shoulder.

"Come now, Sonic. Knighthood is a prestigious honor. Your sister at least agreed to be titled 'The Warrior'."

"Cooler than 'hero of everything'?" Sonic joked. "Nah, Uncle Chuck, it's cool. Besides, there's already a knight in the family-- You!"

"That's one reason I asked for you, Sir Charles. It's also why I hoped you would accept it, Sonic." Elias said, showing them the big picture of his father as a king. "Even during the Great War, my father would rely on his knights and the court of Acorn... Now I am king and my people are still at war with Dr. Eggman. If I am going to lead us peace, I need support. I need a new court of Acorn. Starting with anyone who remains from the old court."

Y/N wondered who when her wristwatch started beeping. She picked it up to see a small hologram of Nicole.

"Nicole? What's a sitch?"

"Y/N! Sonic! You two need to get to Knothole now! Tails along with his Uncle Merlin and Sir Connery are being attacked by the Destructix! The others are already on their way! Hurry!"

"Tails! We're coming!" Y/N gasped. "Let's go, Kirby!"

She grabbed Kirby and placed him on her shoulder as she and Sonic runs or skates off straight to Knothole. When they made it in time, they see Tails, Uncle Merlin, and Sir Connery are attacked by a big gorilla called Sergeant Simian. He has brown fur, blue eyes and Caucasian skin. He wears military helmet, green pants, green boots and ammo belt.

Next, is a deep sky blue hawk called Predator Hawk. He has blue eyes and wears red headband, red clawed gloves, red shoes, and bandolier. Another is a lynx called Lightning Lynx. He has light brown, black fur, and blue eyes. He wears blue boots and gloves with lightning markings. Then, there's a green frog with blue eyes called Flying Frog. He wears brown pants, brown boots, brown gloves, brown helmet with goggles, and white scarf. Along with him is a brown dog with blue eyes called Sleuth Dawg. He wears blue shirt, blue pants, and heavy army boots. Lastly, there's a white wolf with black with yellow sclera eyes called Drago Wolf. He wears purple sleeveless uniform.

Sleuth was pointing the sword at Sir Connery's neck, standing on top of him as Flying has his white scarf wrapped around Merlin's neck, and Predator standing on top of Tails with his red gloved claws out.

"Do your jugular a favor and stay down! How are you doing, Flying Frog?" Sleuth said.

"Can't cast a spell if he can't take a breath!" Flying sang. "How's your dinner coming, Predator Hawk?"

"All too easy." Predator replied with a smirk.

Y/N charged Predator and gave him a good kick to the stomach, sending him flying. He cough out a spit and crash into Drago.

"Y/N!" Tails smiled in happiness as she helped him up.

"Get that sword ready, Sleuth Dog." Sergeant ordered.

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