~ Chapter 83: My Place In This World ~

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In the rehearsal

"Okay, everybody! From the top! Stand by! Playback! Lots of energy now! And... standby Chica!" Y/N called out.

Underneath the stage, there stood Chica in her green alien costume with green makeup on her face as she looks depressed.

"And... action!"

Then, she was catapulted out into the stage as she begins to sing while jumping.

"Ooh, look what you made me do

Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do

Look what you just made me do"

"And cue Roxy!!"

Roxanne came in her space outfit, holding a staff and came over to singing Chica.

"Ooh, look what you made me do

Look what you made me do

Look what you just made me do

Look what you just made me-"

Roxy 'whacked' her, knocking her off as Chica fell back down underneath the stage as sand dusts were blown after that hit.

"Take that, you nasty alien monster!" Roxy growled, showing her fangs before she turn around to Y/N and smiled nervously. "Did I do good?"

Y/N, Bunnie, and Rotor stare at her like she did do something wrong.

"Yeah. That was... so good." Y/N fake smiled, lying through her teeth.


Roxy looked down in the hole where Chica is.

"You doing alright?"

Chica just gave her thumbs up and fell back down.

"Okay... She cannot act-" Bunnie said.

"Shh! I know, I know. But we gotta keep her super handy. Plus, you know who would say..." Y/N said, hushing her to not upset Roxy.

"Take that, you nasty alien monster!" Roxy repeated, knocking down the boxes with her staff aggressively.

"Yeah, but she's a little... too competitive." Rotor whispered, sweat dropping.

Y/N looked around the room and noticed they're missing someone. She looked down at her list and saw the name she was looking for. Montgomery Gator.

"Hey, Roxy? Have you seen Monty? He's gotta rehearse."

Roxy stopped to what she was doing and sighed.

"Probably staying in his room all day. We tried getting him out, but he's too... discouraging and he almost got aggressive with us after another confrontation."

"Oh, I see... I'll try and talk with him. We can't finish this show without him. I made him a role for a reason." Y/N said, standing up. "I could also take this a chance to teach Sharad how to sing."

Sharad, aka Eclipse, turned to her in surprise after hearing his name.

"Wha? Me?"

"Yes, let's go."

"Wait, what about the show?" Rotor asked.

Y/N stopped and turned to him and Bunnie.

"Bunnie, I want you to keep practicing your singing voice. I know you can do it."

"Don't worry about me, Shugah."

"And Rotor, you're in charge of taking care of the rehearsal while I'm away. I'm serious. This is big. You gotta be tough, you gotta be firm, and you cannot, I repeat, I cannot let production fall behind. Not one little bit. Is that clear?"

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