~ Chapter 65: Waves of Change Pt. 2 ~

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"Hey there, fellas. Do we have a problem here?" Sonic greeted with a grin.

"That depends. It would seem the priestess has allowed outsiders onto holy ground without royal permission." Captain Striker said as he and his guards point their weapons at them.

Razor confronted Captain Striker.

"Like that ever mattered in the past! Coral has better authority to decide who visits the temple than the king or queen anyway!"

"Ever quick to defend her honor, eh? Or are you covering for your failure to secure this place?"

"What?! I didn't fail—!"

Rotor quickly stopped him before he could make things worse.

"Let it go, man. He's just trying to get you in trouble."

"This is why defense should be left to the professionals, not boys playing at being heroes."

"Excuse me?! I'll have you know, Mr. Crab, we never play at being heroes! We act like one!" Y/N glared straight at Captain Striker, getting into his face.

"How dare you call me that?! I'm a shrimp, you know!"

"Don't care!"

Y/N and Captain Striker gave each other a death glare with lightning strike on their head. Coral quickly intervened.

"G-Good morning, captain."

"Is Mr. Personality a regular around here?" Sonic asked, not liking this guy already.

"The magic rings here power the city, so they visit every morning. I'm sorry, captain. I—It was too late last night..."

"No one is to break curfew while the monsters roam the night waters. Although I supposed we all know why that is, hm? Speaking of your duties, the temple's patron Chao was due to reincarnate. Where is she?" Captain Striker said.

"Aquarius... um... hadn't emerged from her cocoon yet..."

"The evolution ceremony takes minutes. You're telling me...?"

"S-She's ancient. Maybe it's... just taking longer this time...?"

"Spare me your excuses. That Chao is central to our way of life! City guard! We're bringing this charlatan and the trespassers before the king and queen!"

One of the Meropis City Guard grabbed Coral's arm.

"'Taking'? Oh, you can try, buddy. We could be invited to join our buddy Coral and come along quietly." Sonic smirked, crossing his arms.

"She's not going!" Razor protested, defending Coral.

"Razor—Please! Captain, I'll go, but there must be someone to attend the temple at all times!"

"Your call, cap'n. Casual stroll or international incident?"

Y/N proceed by bringing out her crystal ice katana that brought out snowflakes, ready to freeze him to death while Kirby growled at Captain Striker. He had a thought for a moment before he pointed at Pearly who's being protected by Amy.

"You there—You're the apprentice, correct? You've trained in the rites?"

"Y-Yes, sir! I-I can stay if it'll help..."

"Good. Then that's settled. You four and that weird little three eyed friend of yours will be escorted to the city. You can state your business before their graces and beg forgiveness for breaking protocol."

"Heh, sure. We can work with that."

"That's good enough for me." Y/N said, still glaring.

"I'll stick with Pearly and keep her company. It'll give me time to keep researching this place." Rotor said.

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