~ Chapter 34: On The Run ~

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Sonic and Y/N are paying a visit to Bunnie and Khan at the Tommy Turtle Memorial Hospital. Sonic had a pink balloon with the words in yellow 'Get Well' and Y/N had a crochet Chao she made herself with a little help of Kirby as they entered her room with Khan behind them. Antoine and Dr. Quack are either side of her bed.

"Hey, Bunnie!"

"How are you feeling?"

"Howdy, Sugar-Hogs! Ah'm doin' just fine. Ah just needed a bit of rest, s'all."

"And an emergency influx of electrolytes and constant supervision through the night, but if you want to call that 'rest'..."

Khan brought out a bundle of roses to Bunnie.

"You never should've been in that kind of danger. I should have warned you, and for that, I'm sorry."

"Darlin', ah'm a Freedom Fighter. Ah've been in plenty of danger before, and ah don't plan to stop. Ah appreciate the flowers, though."

"They're quite nice. You didn't leave your own bed to get them and do exactly what I told you not to do, hmm?" Dr. Quack asked, eyeing him.

"Well..." Khan started nervously.

"Take it easy, Doc. Me and sis were with him the whole time." Sonic said.

"And that's supposed to comfort me? I have no problems with Y/N. You're a disaster magnet, kid."

Dr. Quack then checked Khan's pulse from his wrist.

"Magical possession is dangerous stuff. Techomagic just makes it worse. You both should've been in here the minute things calmed down."

"It was safer at Freedom HQ at the time, doc." Bunnie said.

"And I got her back here the second things cleared up. Literally!" Sonic added, pointing at himself.

That was enough for Dr. Quack to leave the room.

"I give up."

Bunnie turned to Khan.

"Ah mean it now, Sugah. Don't beat yerself up over this. We all make mistakes, and ah forgive you."

"Oui. I am having forgiven you as well." Antoine said.

"Thank you. I don't deserve it, but thank you."

Nicole then appeared in front of Sonic and Y/N.

"I'm sorry to disturb everyone..."

"No sweat, Nicole. What's up?" Sonic asked.

"I've been scanning for threats as far as the Great Forest and I've detected something large inbound."

"Really? Then, we're on our way." Y/N said and Nicole disappeared.

"We'll check it out. 'Twan, you stay here with your wife." Sonic said.

"If's it's trouble, give 'em one for me."

Sonic and Y/N then left the room as Bunnie pointed at Khan.

"And that goes double for you, mister."

"It will be my pleasure."

Khan goes out of the room to follow Sonic and Y/N when he was stopped by Dr. Quack who gave him a stern glare as if daring him to make one more move.

"Or I could go back to my room and rest like the doctor told me to."

"You'll bee with us in spirit." Sonic assured him.

He and Y/N then zoomed out to the Great Forest.

"I don't know what you're throwing at us now, Iron Creeps, but you've earned an extra helping of payback for what you did to Bunnie."

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