~ Chapter 63: The Chase ~

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Soleanna Forest Zone

"Woo-hoo! Here we go!" Sonic cheered, standing on the airplane with Y/N while Tails is piloting it.

Him and the Freedom Fighters are flying after the big red train like a bull as Sally landed on top and dropped the small computer of Nicole inside the hole that happened to be opened. Nicole was taking a while when suddenly the train started go faster, causing Sally and Rotor to loose balance after they landed on top of the train, but luckily, Bunnie caught them.

"The train's accelerating! Fly faster!" Amy ordered, standing on the airplane where Antoine is also piloting.

"It's all I can be doing to be keeping us level!"

"Amy! Something's happened! Forget the plan! We're doing this car-by-car now!" Sonic shouted as he and Y/N dropped down to the train.

"You start from this end! We'll run up ahead!" Y/N said.

"You got it!"

Amy smashed her hammer onto the roof of the train.

"RRRGH! Open! Open! OPEN!"

Sonic and Y/N zoomed up ahead as Sonic spin dashed the door of the roof.

"I've got a good feeling about this one! Hold on, Chuck! We're—"

He stopped to see the army of scorpion robot and dragon fly robot. Good thing Y/N stopped on time before she went inside as she already had a feeling that this is not the right room, but she wouldn't tell Sonic since he thinks he knows this is the right one, and look where it got him.

"—in the wrong car."

The robots approaches Sonic with their weapons out.

"My bad! You guys can go back to sleep... or stand by... or whatever it is Badniks do. I know the way out, so I'll just—"

But they didn't listen to him as they begun to attack him, which he quickly dodged them.

"Sonic!" Y/N exclaimed, before noticing the flying dragon fly robots are flying up to Tails and Antoine. "Oh no!"

She brought out her katana and began to slice them off to keep them from coming with the help of Sonic's spin dash while the rest took care of them. Suddenly, the train began to screech to the side, causing them to fall off. Good thing Sally and Rotor landed on their Extreme Gear when they noticed they're missing someone.

"Where's Amy?!"

"She didn't have an air board! She came on the twister!"

"Don't worry! I got her!"

Y/N zoomed up towards them in her rocket roller skates, carrying Amy bridal style.

"Oh, thank goodness..." Sally sighed in relief.


"Yeah-Yeah-Yeah, she's awesome!" Sonic said, zooming next to her.

"Oh, thank you, Y/N!" Amy smiled. "Though, I would expect Sonic to save me, but you're okay..."

"Let's save the rest of the hero worship for the victory party. We need to find Chuck and that professor guy." Sonic said.

"I've got an idea. Rotor, hold your air board steady."

Y/N jumped onto Rotor's Extreme Gear and then to Sally's with Sonic behind her before handing Amy to Sally.

"Stick with Sal and Rote. Me and sis need to move fast." Sonic said.

"Hmph! Fine!" Amy pouted as she was being carried bridal style by Sally.

Sonic and Y/N prepared to go back to running and skating.

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