~ Chapter 50: Mobius: 30 Years Later ~

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Y/N opened her eyes and gasped, quickly getting up to find herself somewhere that is just unknown. She then saw something that made her speechless as she's in some sort of magical colorful place with a beautiful tree next to her and a lake with a reflection of a moon.

 She then saw something that made her speechless as she's in some sort of magical colorful place with a beautiful tree next to her and a lake with a reflection of a moon

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"Where... am I?"

As if one cue, a blue flash shines over her and Y/N turns to see a purple winged unicorn with a carolina blue mane that sparkles like a star and teal eyes. On the side of her hip is a crescent moon mark.

Y/N was amazed at how beautiful that winged unicorn is as she gracefully landed in front of her with a gentle smile

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Y/N was amazed at how beautiful that winged unicorn is as she gracefully landed in front of her with a gentle smile.

"Who... are you?"

"I'm Luna, who can control the night sky and the moon, the princess of Canterlot."

"Why are you here? Where are we?"

"You're in the land of dreams. And if you're going to say you've been asleep, you're not. I brought you here to tell you that you have unlocked your first ever power."

Y/N flash backed the one when she stopped Geoffrey from giving Naugus the Chaos Emerald and everything was blown up by her.

"You have unlocked the power of the sun from my sister."

She stared at her hands.

"Do I have... more than just one power?"

Luna nodded.

"You have unlocked one of the four powers we have gifted you with."

"Really?... Why?"

"That you'll find out on your own. And I'm afraid your fate will be able to come someday."

"You knew..."

"Yes. I wish we could prevent it, but there's always hope. We knew you would be able to save your people and us from this dreadful fate."

"How do you know?"

"That will be classified. But also because you're special ever since you were born. We saw a future in you. That is all I wanted to tell you. There's another reason why I brought you here."

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